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lMa&nGAdRD’sEN <br>B <br>FAR <br>SALES <br>  lMa&nGAdRD’sEN  B  FAR  SALES    PICK-UP  OR  DELIVERY    • Bark Mulch  • Well Rotted  Garden Manure  • Garden Soils    Stanley Bland 832-6615 or 833-2449
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Renovations & New Installations <br>  Renovations & New Installations    POND’S  PACIFIC  SERVICES INC  Spring Start Up    • Ponds and Water Features  • Waterfalls and Fountains  • Water Garden Plant Care  and Add-ons  • And much more...  Call: 250-618-7242  Visit:

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100%ian <br>Canad <br> <br>Spring Yard  100%ian  Canad    Spring Yard Cleans    Loca  owne lly  Operated &  d    Tree, Shrub & Hedge Service  • Pruning/trimming/planting/  removing trees/gardening    Our other services include:  • Lawn care • Weeding  • Yard waste hauling    Anne Scissorhands  Call for your free estimate.    250-681-1621    *15% discount for seniors, veterans,  first responders & persons with disabilities
AAA LAWN & GARDEN "Garden  AAA LAWN & GARDEN "Garden in a Day Service" * Grass Cutting * Garden Cleanup * Complete Lawn Care * Pruning & Hedge Trimming * Power Raking * Soil & Mulch * Aeration, Top Dressing * Landscaping * New Lawns * Yard Renovations Prompt Service, Affordable Rates 604-542-1349 AAALAWNGARDEN.COM
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R.G. HandyLandscaper Over 15 Years  R.G. HandyLandscaper Over 15 Years Experience Yard Maintenance, Clean Up, Pruning, Weeding & More. Call Robert 604-504-1559 or text only to: 604-300-5770
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Legal Notices 

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Adams Lake Indian Band <br>Woodlot#315  Adams Lake Indian Band  Woodlot#315  Woodlot Licence Plan Advertisement  Pursuant to section 17 of the Woodlot  Planning and Practices  Regulations, Take notice that ALIB intends  to submit a 10-year Woodlot  Licence Plan for Woodlot#315 in the  Thompson Rivers Forest District.  This plan is publicly available for comment  during regular business hours  At 6453 Hillcrest Road, Chase. Or call 250851-1634 and ask for Dwayne Paradis  Comments should be received by  April 1, 2025
Amended date: August 7, 2024  Amended date: August 7, 2024  Original filed on May 6, 2024    Between:    No. M21647  Nelson Registry    IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA  AMANDA JMAYOFF  PLAINTIFF    And:  GEORGE J. TURNER and WILMA HUME TURNER  DEFENDANTS  AMENDED NOTICE OF APPLICATION  Name of Applicant: George J. Turner and Wilma Hume Turner (the “applicant”)  To: The Plaintiff, Amanda Jmayoff  TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made by the applicant to the presiding judge or associate judge at the courthouse at 320  Ward Street, in the City of Nelson, in the Province of British Columbia, on date to be set at 9:45 a.m. for the orders set out in Part 1 below:  Part 1: ORDER SOUGHT  1. This action be dismissed for want of prosecution.  Part 2: FACTUAL BASIS  1. This action arises out of injuries the Plaintiff alleges she sustained in a motor vehicle accident on February 21, 2019 (the  “Accident”).  2. The Plaintiff filed a Notice of Civil Claim on January 6, 2021 in which various injuries are alleged. Those injuries have allegedly  resulted in past and future income loss, loss income of earning capacity, loss of past and future housekeeping capacity, and  ongoing health care.  3. The Defendants have denied liability for the Accident. A Response to Civil Claim was filed on their behalf on March 4, 2021.  4. The Plaintiff and the Defendant, George J. Turner, were examined for discovery on July 20, 2021.  5. A Notice of Intention to Withdraw as Lawyer was delivered by the Plaintiff’s former counsel on April 29, 2022.  6. A Notice of Withdrawal of Lawyer was filed by the Plaintiff’s former counsel on May 11, 2022.  7. The Defendants attempted to contact the Plaintiff by way of letter dated May 16, 2022, but did not receive a reply.  8. No trial date has been scheduled.  9. There has been no activity in this action since former Plaintiff’s counsel filed the Notice of Withdrawal of Lawyer on May 11, 2022.  TO THE PERSONS RECEIVING THIS NOTICE OF APPLICATION: If you wish to receive notice of the time and date of the hearing or to  respond to the application, you must  (a) file an application response in Form 33 within 5 days after the date of service of this notice of application or, if the  application is brought under Rule 9-7 of the Supreme Court Civil Rules, within 11 days after the date of service of this notice  of application, and  (b) at least 2 days before the date set for the hearing of the application, serve on the applicant 2 copies, and on every other  party one copy, of a filed copy of the application response and the other documents referred to in Rule 9-7(12) of the  Supreme Court Civil Rules.  Filed by: Robert C. Brun, K.C.  Harris & Brun Law Corporation  #500, 555 West Georgia Street  Vancouver, BC V6B 1Z6  Phone: 604-608-2000  Email:
Auction Notice <br>Under the terms  Auction Notice  Under the terms of the Warehouse Lien Act,  goods and personal property of the persons  listed below and stored at Nehring Containers  – 9320 Balser Ct, Kelowna have been seized  and will be sold on or after March 7, 2025 to  recover the cost of unpaid storage rent.  Levi Crebo  Shane Aschenbrenner  Rental Zip  Grow Tech  Rod Noakes    $ 985.89  $ 918.75  $ 1189.52  $ 2327.09  $ 2843.56
Cannabis Control and <br>Regulation Act  Cannabis Control and  Regulation Act  Application for Retail Cannabis  Licence Renewal    Take notice that:  Fire and Flower Inc.    110, 80 Chilkoot Way, Whse    have applied for their Retail Cannabis Licence Renewal.  Any person who wishes to submit an objection must file  their objection in writing with reasons to:  President, Yukon Liquor Corporation  9031 Quartz Road, Whitehorse, Yukon YlA 4P9  or  Any objections must be received no later than  3:00 pm March 21, 2025  Questions may be directed to:  Phone: (867) 667-5245 Toll-free:  l-800-661-0408 ext. 5245 or
Cannabis Control and <br>Regulation Act  Cannabis Control and  Regulation Act  Application for Retail  Cannabis Licence Renewal    Take notice that:  The Herbary    120B Industrial Rd, Whse    have applied for their  Retail Cannabis Licence Renewal.  Any person who wishes to submit  an objection must file their objection  in writing with reasons to:  President, Yukon Liquor Corporation  9031 Quartz Road, Whitehorse,  Yukon YlA 4P9 or  Any objections must be received  no later than 3:00 pm March 28, 2025  Questions may be directed to:  Phone: (867) 667-5245  Toll-free: l-800-661-0408 ext. 5245  or
County Of Stettler No. 6  County Of Stettler No. 6    Box 1270 6602 - 44 Avenue  Stettler AB. T0C 2L0  Telephone: (403) 742-4441 Fax: (403) 742-1277    PUBLIC NOTICE    DEVELOPMENT PERMIT  APPLICATIONS APPROVED  Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit Applications in  accordance with the County of Stettler No. 6 Land Use Bylaw No. 1443-10 were  conditionally approved by the Development Authority:  Permitted use permits  No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 25006  NE-15-35-15-W4M  Clifford James and Jenelle Hassett  Placement of detached dwelling and attached  ancillary    Discretionary use permits  None  Digital copy of the development permits that have been recently approved  by the County of Stettler are available on the County of Stettler No. 6 website.  Notices are posted every Friday under the heading with the posting date.The  most recent approvals are at the top of the list. Click on the file number (i.e.  DP 24017) to open a PDF file of the development permit. If you are not able to  open the PDF file of the permit, please contact Planning & Development and  arrange for a copy to be sent to you.  Any person claiming to be affected by such decision may appeal by giving  notice in writing to the appropriate appeal authority. Each development  permit identifies whether the appeal must be filed with the Land and Property  Rights Tribunal or the Regional Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.  An appeal must be filed no later than 21 days from the date of this notification.  Development permits for a permitted use can only be appealed if one or  more provisions of the Land Use Bylaw were relaxed, varied, or misinterpreted.  Development permits for a discretionary use can be appealed by any person  claiming to be affected by the decision.
DISTRICT OF <br>HOUSTON <br>NOTICE OF  DISTRICT OF  HOUSTON  NOTICE OF PROPOSED  RESIDENTIAL  REVITALIZATION TAX  EXEMPTION BYLAW  Pursuant to Section 227 of the Community Charter and District of Houston  Public Notice Bylaw No. 1201, 2024 and Public Notice Policy, notice is  hereby given of a proposed Residential Revitalization Tax Exemption  Bylaw. The reason for and objectives of the proposed program are to:  1.  To foster economic development and job creation; and  2.  To increase the availability and quality of residential dwelling units  within the District.  This program is intended to accomplish these objectives by supporting the  construction and renovation of residential buildings, which will:  1.  Incentivize the development and densification of residential  property adjacent to existing road and utilities infrastructure.  2.  Support the creation of employment opportunities through the  construction and renovation of housing; and  3.  Incentivize the construction of new housing units in the District  through tax exemptions for eligible properties.  If adopted as read on February 18th, 2025 meeting of Council, the program  would:  1.  Be applicable to all R-1 One Family Residential, R-2 Two Family  Residential, R-4 Multi Family Residential, A-1 Rural Agricultural,  A-2 Rural Residential, or P-1 Public and Institutional zones as  defined under Development Bylaw #1040, 2013, as amended.  2.  Offer tax exemptions to projects that meet any one of the  following eligibility criteria:  • the construction of a newly constructed eligible dwelling  on a parcel with a total improvement value increase  greater than $100,000  • aesthetic improvements to the exterior of a building,  including: exterior siding, lighting, doorways, windows,  and structural renovations, where such aesthetic  improvements are visible from the front parcel line of the  parcel and include finishing materials traditionally found  in the surrounding region (such as wood or stone) and are  a reflection of the community, and;  • improvements to a building that increases the number of  dwelling units on the parcel, subject to the requirements  of the BC Building Code and Development Bylaw #1040,  2013, as amended.  3.  Offer exemptions based on the applicable percentage of the  applicable improvement Value Increase to a parcel;  Urban Service Area Construction Program:  Year of Tax Exemption Term    Annual Percentage of Improvement Value  Increase to be deducted from assessed value  of improvements    Year 1 to 2    100%    Year 3 to 5    75%    Year 6 to 8    50%    Year 9 and 10    25%    Rural Service Area Construction Program:  Year of Tax Exemption Term    Annual Percentage of Improvement Value  Increase to be deducted from assessed value  of improvements    Year 1    100%    Year 2 and 3    50%    Year 4 and 5    25%    Capital Renovation Exemption Program:  Year of Tax Exemption Term    Annual Percentage of Improvement Value  Increase to be deducted from assessed value  of improvements    Year 1    100%    Year 2    75%    Year 3    50%    Copies of the proposed bylaw are available for inspection at the District  office between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM from Monday  to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. If you have any questions  regarding this matter, please contact Karen Hogstead, Director of  Corporate Services at
For Sale by virtue of  For Sale by virtue of the  Warehouse Liens Act  1 – 2014 Ford F150  VIN #1FTFW1ET6EFC22399  R/O Shashone Topham  For the sum of $20,000.00 plus legal fees.  Sale date is March 12, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.  Classic Towing Company  2100 Big Eddy Rd. Revelstoke, BC  250-837-6216
FOREST OPERATIONS MAP (FOM) <br>NOTICE  FOREST OPERATIONS MAP (FOM)  NOTICE OF PUBLIC REVIEW & COMMENT  Notice is hereby given that Mill & Timber Products Ltd (M&T) is  seeking public review and comment on Forest Operations Map  (FOM) requirements on proposed blocks, located in Woods  Lagoon near Seymour Inlet on the mainland coast (FL A19242).  FOM ID 2197 is managed under Mill & Timber Products Ltd.  Forest Stewardship Plan #958. The 30-day review period is  between February 26, 2025 to March 28, 2025.  The FOM can be viewed at  public/ projects and/or at the M&T office in Port Hardy (by  appointment): Mill & Timber Products Ltd., 6565 Jensen Cove  Road, P.O. Box 106, Port Hardy, BC, V0N 2P0 each business  day from 9:00 am to 12:00pm & 1:00pm to 4:00pm during the  30-day period.  Comments can be submitted anytime during the 30-day period  via, or e-mailed to:, or text/call: 250-830-7784 ;  or mailed to the address as noted above. Please reference the  FOM ID when commenting.  Following the review and comment period, This FOM may be  relied upon to apply for a road permit or cutting permit for a  3-year period ending March 28, 2025.
Grandfathering Determination <br>Confined Feeding Operation  Grandfathering Determination  Confined Feeding Operation    Rosanna Walker Farm Ltd. has requested the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB)  to complete a grandfathering determination for their confined feeding operation (CFO).  The CFO is located on SE 2-35-17 W4M in the County of Stettler, Alberta. The NRCB will  determine the grandfathered facilities, livestock type, and livestock capacity of the CFO as it  existed on January 1, 2002.  The NRCB invites you to provide input on the grandfathered status of this  operation, its livestock capacity, and facilities as they existed on January 1, 2002.  Rosanna Walker Farm Ltd. has stated that its grandfathered livestock capacity is  4,600 hybrid swine farrow to finish (700 sows).  Filing a Response  Any person who has knowledge about the size and status of the CFO on or around  January 1, 2002, is invited to submit a written response with this information to  the NRCB. The response must be received by the NRCB on or before 4:30 pm on  March 27, 2025. Responses should be made to the NRCB address provided below.  A copy of the responses will be sent to the applicant. Responses submitted regarding  the application may be posted on the NRCB’s public website, as they are public records  and are non-confidential.  Your written response should include your name, the legal land description of your  residence or landholdings, mailing address, phone number, and details about your  knowledge of the operation as it relates to the facilities, livestock type, and livestock  capacity of the CFO on or around January 1, 2002. You may also file an application for  directly affected party status at this time.  Viewing the Information  A complete copy of the information filed under the Agricultural Operation Practices  Act may be viewed on the NRCB website at (under Confined Feeding  Operations / Notice of Approval and Registration Applications). The information will also  be available for in-person viewing at the Red Deer office of the NRCB by appointment.  If you require further information, please contact the inspector listed below.  Tracey Krenn, Inspector  303, 4920 51 Street  Red Deer, AB T4N 6K8  403-318-8199    The closing date for submissions:  4:30 pm on March 27, 2025  Dated at Red Deer, AB, on February 27, 2025
IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WAREHOUSE  IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WAREHOUSE LIEN ACT, LANGFORD STORAGE  ROOM LTD. WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING:  Locker #3131 Contents, Registered to  Samuel Lacroix  The auction will take place online at on March 6th, 2025.  For all enquiries, contact Bid13 or call  Langford Storage Room at 250-590-7677
LAND ACT: <br> <br>Notice of  LAND ACT:    Notice of Application for a  Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that 186 Energy Inc. from  West Vancouver, BC have applied to the  British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land  and Resource Stewardship (WLRS), Skeena  Region for a Investigative Licence for  Wind Power situated on Provincial Crown  land located at that parcel or tract of  unsurveyed Crown Land in the vicinity  of Maxan Lake, Coast District, and  approximately 7 km west of Burns Lake.  WLRS invites comments on this application.  The Lands File is 6409526.  Written  comments concerning this application  should be directed to the Senior Land  Officer, Skeena Region, WLRS, at Bag 5000  – 3726 Alfred Ave, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0.  Comments will be received by WLRS up to  March 28, 2025. WLRS may not be able to  consider comments received after this date.  Please visit the Applications, Comments  and Reasons for Decision Database website  at for  more information.  Be advised that any response to this  advertisement will be considered part of  the public record. Access to these records  requires the submission of a Freedom of  Information (FOI) request. Visit http://  to learn more about FOI submissions.
LAND ACT: <br> <br>Notice of  LAND ACT:    Notice of Application for a  Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that I/We, wpd Renewable Energy 7 Inc., from  Victoria, BC, have applied to the British Columbia Ministry  of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS), Kootenay  Boundary Region, for an Investigative License for Wind Power  assessment situated on Provincial Crown land located in the  vicinity of West Shore of Upper Arrow Lake.  WLRS invites comments on this application. The Lands File  is 4406496. Written comments concerning this application  should be directed to the Senior Authorization Specialist,  WLRS, Kootenay Boundary Region, at 1902 Theatre Road,  Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G1. Comments will be received by WLRS  up to March 26, 2025. WLRS may not be able to consider  comments received after this date. Please visit the website at for more information.  Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be  considered part of the public record. Access to these records  requires the submission of a Freedom of Information (FOI)  request. Visit  to learn more about FOI submissions.