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The BEST All listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

Coming Events 

Houston Community Calendar <br>The Burns  Houston Community Calendar  The Burns Lake Day of Prayer is an open  doors community event being held on March  1-2 from 6 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Heritage  Church, 125 First Ave. Email bl.dayofprayer@ for more info or to volunteer.  Round Lake Community Association Coffee  House Saturday March 2, doors open at  6:15p.m., music starts at 7p.m. Featuring  Jeff Harden, Way North of Dixie and The  van der Meulens…you don’t want to miss  this one! Entry fee at the door, Snacks to  share are always welcome. Don’t forget your  inside shoes!  Houston International Women’s Day Event  Friday, March 8 at the Senior’s Centre.  Free international style buffet, information  booths, guest speakers, demonstrations, a  silent auction table, raffle and door prizes.  We also honour one Houston Woman of  the Year who receives a trophy, bouquet  of roses, and a $100 Houston Merchant  Association gift card. To nominate go to:  Seats are now all reserved for dinner but  there may be an opportunity to join us for  the speakers. To get put on a waiting list  please email  Houston Public Library Watch for our  upcoming March programs... follow our  Facebook page at  Gr8reads or give us a call us at 250-8452256.  Houston Snowmobile Club 6th Annual  Poker Ride March 16 (weather pending).  First hand out from the parking lot 10a.m.,  Last hand in at the cabin 3p.m. Hands will  only be available for purchase at the parking  lot. Concession and prizes at the cabin.  Houston Trade Show April 19 & 20 at the  Claude Parish Memorial Arena. For info call  250-845-7640 or  Meet... Greet... Chat... (Eat) Are you an  immigrant woman, a new Canadian looking  to meet other women in Houston for social  interaction, fun and conversation? Join  others like you - Houston Public Library  Saturdays 7-9p.m.  Play Gym Wednesdays 10-11:30a.m. at  the Houston Community Hall for children  ages 0-5 years to enjoy morning socializing  and burning off some energy in a fun  environment. Call Dze L k’ant 250-845-2131  for registration & inquiries.  Senior Gathering  every Tues at The  Plaza from 10a.m.-12p.m. FREE bowling,  mini golf, games & refreshments!  Please  call  250-845-2727  to  register for transportation or for more  information - all seniors welcome!  LEGO Hive Fridays after school 3:304:30p.m. at Houston Link to Learning    for youth ages 8-12. Registration and  permission slip required. Contact anika@ or call 250-8452727 to register.  Contact North BC – Want in-person access  to computer workstations and high-speed  internet? We’ve got a quiet place for you  to do your coursework, access free student  supports, and so much more. Call 1-236-7422040 or email  today!  Houston Curling Club: Mixed League  Wednesdays 6:30p.m. • Seniors Thursdays  10:00a.m. • Friday Drop In / Social 7:00p.m.  For inquiries email us: houstoncurlingclub@  Anyone in Canada who wants to own a nonrestricted firearm must have a Possession and  Acquisition License (PAL) — and we can help  you access the training you need right here in  your community. Call Contact North BC 236742-2040 or email houston@contactnorthbc.  ca today.  Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club Find  grooming updates on our Facebook page!  Houston Seniors Association Breakfast:  1st Saturday of each month 8-11a.m.;  Luncheons 3rd Thursday of every month  11a.m.- 1p.m. at the Seniors Hall. For more  info call Ted at 250-845-7008.  The Houston Christian School Grad Class is  continuing their fundraising for their grad  trip. If anyone has bottles they are willing  to donate please contact the school or drop  them off there.  Wellness Program Care Giver Support meet 2nd and 4th Tues of every month at  the Houston Public Library 250-845-5964.  Pickle ball every Tues evening 7-9p.m. at  the Seniors Hall. Everyone welcome!  Work BC Employment Services on location  at Houston Link to Learning every 2nd &  4th Tues of the month. Call ahead to book  your appointment 1-877-564-3545. Drop ins  welcome based on availability.  Free Drop In Standing or Sitting Exercises  Wed 1-1:45 p.m. at Pleasant Valley Village  - 3603 - 11th St. Everyone Welcome! For  more info contact Karen, the Community  Paramedic at 250-845-9141.  Pleasant Valley Branch 249 Houston Legion  Shuttle: 250-845-8455.  Tadpoles Program A parent/tot program for  children ages 0-6 every Tues & Thur from 1011:30a.m. Crafts, snack, free play, learning.  Call Liv 250-845-2131 to register.  Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings at Houston  Community Services Mon, Thurs & Fri at  7p.m.. Contact 250-845-4761.  Tech Cafe every Wed 1-3p.m. at Houston    Link to Learning. If you have questions about  using tech items come drop in. For info call  250-845-2727.  The Salvation Army Food Bank Friendship  & Fellowship Coffee Time Mon to Fri 10a.m.  -12p.m.  Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society  various programs: Parent-Child Mother  Goose Program Mondays 10-11a.m. Free for  caregivers and children ages 0-4yr. Contact  Emma to register 250-845-2131. • Play Gym  Wed 10-11:30a.m. for caregivers and their  children ages 0-5 at the Houston Community  Hall. Call 250-845-2131 for more info. •  Pregnancy Outreach for pregnant women  or have children ages 0-1. Offering pre &  post natal appointments & support. Contact  Jennifer for more info 250-845-2131; • Indigenous  Early Years • Tadpoles • Roundtable  • Afterschool • Youth • Connections  Coordinator. Contact us for more info 250845-2131;  Like us on Facebook for regular program  updates!    Topley    Darts at the Topley Community Hall. Drop  in every Wednesday at 7p.m.  Topley Fire Protection Society meetings  every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30p.m.  Structural  Firefighting/Hwy  Rescue:  Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting  applications. No experience necessary,  contact Byron 250-696-3348 or come to a  Fire Practice Mon @ 7p.m.    Granisle    Granisle Grief Support drop in meeting  Feb 28: 6:30-8:00p.m. at the Granisle  Community Health Centre.  Granisle Crafting Group Meeting Feb 28  from 12-2p.m. at the Granisle Library. Do  you knit, crochet or other small projects, or  do you want to learn... drop by the library.  Granisle Public Library Check out our  Facebook page for upcoming events. • Free  streaming service Kanopy. Watch a variety  of documentaries, movies and series with  your Granisle Library Card. You can find  access through our list of databases on our  website or  granisle/ • Hours: Mon-Fri 10a.m. - 2p.m..  For more info (250) 697-2713 or email:  Granisle Volunteer Fire Department  meetings & fire practices every Tues.,  7:00p.m. at the Fire Hall.    Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline: 4 p.m. Thursday (emailed to: or delivered). Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will  be accepted via email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please.    Community Calendar proudly sponsored by    Bulkley Valley  CREDIT UNION    We are all part of the same community.  Being a member of your local credit union means your  money stays in the community to benefit everyone.  Through patronage, everyone shares in our success.    HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH 2365 Copeland Ave., P.O. Box 1480, Houston • Phone: 250-845-7117
Nanaimo Stamp Collecting ClubDonation welcome Monthly meetings Auctions Sandra 250-933-1249
Port Alice Al-anon Family Group Port Alice Rec Centre Room 101 Meetings on Monday’s 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Contact Gloria at 250-284-0045 or Rene at 250-284-6677
Smart Recovery meetingsJoin us Saturdays at 10:00 AM and Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. A new Women's meeting starts Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 6:30 PM. All meetings are 1-1/2 hours at 245 Hirst Avenue W. For details, contact John at 250-586-3727 or email
Smart Recovery meetingsJoin us Saturdays at 10:00 AM and Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. A new Women's meeting starts Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 6:30 PM. All meetings are 1-1/2 hours at 245 Hirst Avenue W. For details, contact John at 250-586-3727 or email
YMIR Christmas <br>Craft Fair <br>  YMIR Christmas  Craft Fair    YMIR COMMUNITY HALL    SUN. DEC. 8TH  10:00-3:30  Amazing  vendors  Delicious  concession




“If It’s Electrical We Do  “If It’s Electrical We Do It”  All types of Electrical  Installation & Maintenance    403-742-5111  Serving Stettler  & Area since 1978
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All electrical. Reasonable Rates. Licensed.  All electrical. Reasonable Rates. Licensed. Res/Comm. Renos / Panel Changes. 604-374-0062

Farm Services 

2024 FALL SEED VARIETIES <br>  2024 FALL SEED VARIETIES    WINTER WHEAT  AAC Coldfront (New)  AAC Wildfire  AAC Network    OATS    CDC Arborg    HYBRID FALL RYE  ProPower  Sarifino  SU Performer (New)  SU Cossani (New)    Dale Witdouck • 403-635-0099    Iron Springs, AB • |
CATTLE MARKETING <br>OFFICE: 403-732-5206 CHRISSY@SUMMITLIVESTOCK.CA  CATTLE MARKETING  OFFICE: 403-732-5206 CHRISSY@SUMMITLIVESTOCK.CA    CLINT@SUMMITLIVESTOCK.CA    If you have cattle to sell locally or for import/export, we have a market for all types of cattle. Forward  contracting and hedging on Slaughter Cattle & Feeder Cattle to maximize profits and minimize risks.  Ranch Direct calf program to reduce costs and stress by on farm pricing with no surprises.    SLAUGHTER CATTLE, DAIRY  CATTLE, BACKGROUNDERS,  RANCH CALVES, CULL    CLINT DELEEUW | owner | buyer 403-634-9426  DAVE SLINGERLAND | buyer 403-359-0508  CODY OSKAM | buyer 403-330-9700    COWS, CROSSBREDS.  BOX 1236 PICTURE BUTTE, AB. T0KIV0
MANURE SPREADER <br>Available For Rent  MANURE SPREADER  Available For Rent    GMS Mechanical & Equipment Ltd.  403-553-0000  311 23rd Street, Fort Macleod, AB
Milt’s <br> <br>EarthMoving ltd. <br>  Milt’s    EarthMoving ltd.    • Dig Dugouts  • Clean Dugouts  • 60’ Long Reach  Excavator  • Scraper Work  • Drainage  Ditches    Burdett, Alberta  Cell: 403-382-7895  Phone: 403-833-3766  Fax: 403-833-3706    • Basements  • PVC Line  Installation  • Road  Maintenance
Unknown.png  Unknown.png


Arrow Fencing Residential, Chain Link & Repairs. 778-855-1973
Arrow Fencing Residential, Chain Link & Repairs. 778-855-1973
Arrow Fencing Residential, Chain Link & Repairs. 778-855-1973
BLAIR’ <br>BL <br>AIR’S <br>FENCING <br>Cedar  BLAIR’  BL  AIR’S  FENCING  Cedar panels,  farm fencing  & chain link.    Repairs-Installation  Residential | Commercial  20 yrs experience  Free Estimates    250-240-4615  FAST, FRIENDLY, RELIABLE  QUALITY WORK AT FAIR PRICE

Floor Refinishing / Installation 


Funeral Homes 

 <br> <br>A more affordable      A more affordable funeral home    LOWER COST THAN MEMORIAL SOCIETIES  see website or phone for details (Home visits at no extra cost)      WŚŽŶĞĞǀĞŶŝĨLJŽƵŚĂǀĞƉƌĞͲƉĂŝĚƐŽŵĞǁŚĞƌĞĞůƐĞ   ^ĞƌǀŝŶŐ&ĂŵŝůŝĞƐǁŝƚŚŝŐŶŝƚLJĂŶĚZĞƐƉĞĐƚ–ĂƚƌĞĂƐŽŶĂďůĞĐŽƐƚƐ      Nanaimo 250-591-8426  Duncan 250-597-8484 ~ Ladysmith 250-924-8484
It is our Honour &  It is our Honour & Privilege to Serve  Available 24/7 to assist when you need us.  Offering personalized at-need or pre-need  arrangements. Simple or detailed;  traditional or contemporary. Independent  family owned serving the Okanagan,  Similkameen and beyond since 1994.  1130 Carmi Avenue, Penticton    (250) 493-4112
PARKLAND <br> <br>Funeral Home and  PARKLAND    Funeral Home and Crematorium  ONLY locally owned and operated  funeral home and Crematorium  in Red Deer”    403.340.4040  6287 - 67 A Street, (Taylor Drive), Red Deer  “Proud to be Part of Central Alberta Family Funeral Services Ltd.”
PARKLAND <br> <br>Funeral Home and  PARKLAND    Funeral Home and Crematorium  ONLY locally owned and operated  funeral home and Crematorium  in Red Deer”    403.340.4040  6287 - 67 A Street, (Taylor Drive), Red Deer  “Proud to be Part of Central Alberta Family Funeral Services Ltd.”
PARKLAND <br>PARKLAND <br>DNA LKRAP <br>  PARKLAND  PARKLAND  DNA LKRAP    Funeral  Home  and  Funeral  muiroCrematorium  taHome  merC d  and  na eCrematorium  moH larenuF  ONLY  detarelocally  po dnaowned  denwoand  yllaoperated  col YLNO  ONLY locally owned and  funeral  muirfamily  otahome  meoperated  rCand  dnaCrematorium  eFuneral  moh larenuf  ”and  reRed  eDCrematorium  d  Deer”  eR ni  Homein  in Red Deer.    403.340.4040  0404.043.304  moc.emohlarenufdnalkrap.www  r6287  eeD de-R 67  ,)eviA  rDStreet,  rolyaT( ,(Taylor  teertSDrive),  A 76 Red  - 78Deer  26    6287 - 67 A Street,  (Taylor Drive)  Red Deer  403.340.4040    “Proud to be Part of Central Alberta Family Funeral Services Ltd.”

Garage Sales 

3516 - 156 St. SURREY Sat & Sun Dec 7 & 8, 9am - 3pm.  All kinds of household items + much more. Something for Everyone.