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November Winner: <br> <br>Mellody <br>McNeil  November Winner:    Mellody  McNeil    Prize Amount:    $2,170.00    Ponoka Gold Rush 50/50  tickets are $5.00 each, For  more information on the  monthly lottery    call 403-783-3112.
PONOKA GOLD RUSH 50/50 <br>TICKETS  PONOKA GOLD RUSH 50/50  TICKETS ARE $5.00 EACH,  WITH PROCEEDS BENEFITING  LOCAL YOUTH PROGRAMS.  THE MONTHLY WINNER IS  GUARANTEED  $1500.00 MINIMUM!    For more  information on where to  purchase your tickets for  the monthly lottery  call 403-783-3112.
PUBLIC NOTICE <br>Schedule of 2025  PUBLIC NOTICE  Schedule of 2025 Regular Meetings of Council  PURPOSE: Section 127 (1) of the Community Charter states that a council must (a)make available to the public  a schedule of the date, time, and place of regular council meetings, and (b) give notice of the availability of the  schedule in accordance with section 94 [public notice] at least once a year.  Regular Meetings of Council take place on the first and third Mondays of the month, unless there is a statutory  holiday, at the Council Chambers, 606 Mountainview Square at 7:00 p.m.  Additional Council meetings (Committee of the Whole or Special Meetings) may take place on the second, fourth or  fifth Mondays of the month if there is sufficient business. Notice for Committee of the Whole meetings and Special  Meetings of Council will be provided to the public in accordance with Bylaw No. 2055, 2024.    January    February    March    Regular    Monday,  January 06    Regular    Monday,  February 03    Regular    Monday,  March 03    Regular    Monday,  January 20    Regular    Tuesday,  February 18    Regular    Monday,  March 17    April    May    June    Regular    Monday,  April 07    Regular    Monday,  May 05    Cancelled *    Monday,  June 02    Regular    Tuesday,  April 22    Regular    Tuesday,  May 20    Regular    Monday,  June 16    July    August    September    Regular    Monday,  July 07    Regular    Tuesday,  August 05    Regular    Tuesday,  September 02    Regular    Monday,  July 21    Regular    Monday,  August 18    Regular    Monday,  September 15    October    November    December    Regular    Monday,  October 06    Regular    Monday,  November 03    Regular    Monday,  December 01    Regular    Monday,  October 20    Regular    Monday,  November 17    Regular    Monday,  December 15    Monday, June 2, 2025, Regular Meeting of Council is cancelled as per Council resolution R24-249  QUESTIONS?  Contact Corporate Administration at 250-632-8900 or
Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Clearwater 250-674-2135, Barriere 250-672-6444, or North Thompson Valley 1-855-674-2135
SALMON ArM <br>CitizeNS PAtrOL <br>  SALMON ArM  CitizeNS PAtrOL    Community service, flexible hours,  interesting information, and  friendship = SACP membership  Help keep Salmon Arm safe by going  out on a 4-hour patrol one afternoon or  evening each month. We also take part  in numerous community events and enjoy  socializing together.  For more information and an application  find SACP at  or Facebook.
SMART <br> <br>Recovery <br>Yukon <br>  SMART    Recovery  Yukon    Self Management  & Recovery Training    A support group for  addictive behaviours    Meetings every  Monday at 6:45 pm  At Mental Wellness and  Substance Use Services  Sarah Steele Building  609 Steele Street, 3rd floor    f    Visit us on facebook  for more information  @ S M A R TRecoveryYukon    867 333-9511
SUDOKU <br> <br>Here’s How It  SUDOKU    Here’s How It Works:  Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine  3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the  numbers 1 through 9 must fill  each row, column and box. Each  number can appear only once in  each row, column and box. You  can figure out the order in which  the numbers will appear by  using the numeric clues already  provided in the boxes. The more  numbers you name, the easier it  gets to solve the puzzle!    ANSWER:
YOU CAN HELP <br>BUILD A  YOU CAN HELP  BUILD A  HEALTHIER  FOUNDATION    In order to continue to provide the quality  of health care that our community needs  and deserves, we require ongoing support.  The Ministry of Health funds the  daily activities of the 100 Mile District  Hospital, Fischer Place, Millsite Lodge  and Community Health Care Programs.  It also provides limited funds for some  capital equipment, but we want to offer  our patients, residents and community  care clients more than the basic care.  We need to ensure they have access  to the most advanced technology, the  most effective treatments, and the  benefits of excellent care.  Whether it’s Estate Planning, a Gift of  Stock or any Donation, please consider  a financial gift to your South Cariboo  Health Foundation.  100% of your gift/donation stays in the  100 Mile District Hospital complex and  goes to enhance and improve your health  service at home.    When you wish to donate, contact us at  250-706-2101, Bag 399, 100 Mile House, B.C.  V0K 2E0 or visit:    South Cariboo  Health Foundation  Supporting a healthy community  by keeping funding at home.
YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS Supports Sooke Hospice in your Community. For your convenience Now Available Pay Pal with credit card 250-642-4345 Box 731, V9Z 1H7


• Hedge Trimming & Fall  • Hedge Trimming & Fall Clean Up  • Irrigation Systems Winterized  • Prepare Your Lawn for Winter!  Licensed & Fully Insured  Your Landscape Maintenance Professionals  CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE    250.927.0356
20+ YEARS <br>EXPERIENCE <br> <br>TUCK  20+ YEARS  EXPERIENCE    TUCK    LANDSCAPING    Landscape, Construction,  Construction,  Landscape,  PavingStones  Stones,• Spring  BobcatCleanups  Service,  Paving  Tie Walls & Lawn  Snow Maintenance  Maintenance  Tie    CALL JOHN  250-804-6190
HARMONY <br> <br>Pruning Service <br>Professional  HARMONY    Pruning Service  Professional Care for your Trees,  Shrubs, Ornamentals & Hedges    Free Estimates    250-738-0255  Helping you keep you landscape  Healthy, Attractive & Harmonious
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Lawn and Garden 

Eavestrough Cleaning, Hedge trimming, tree  Eavestrough Cleaning, Hedge trimming, tree pruning, yard clean-ups, Roof Moss Removal, Vinyl siding cleaning. 778-269-5296
Landscaper For Hire I am a gardener landscaper, I have 5 years experience working in this industry, call or text. 250-937-6376 or
Landscaper For Hire I am a gardener landscaper, I have 5 years experience working in this industry, call or text. 250-937-6376 or
Low Cost Lawn Care <br>  Low Cost Lawn Care
RAY'S Clean-up & Garden Services Fencing & Repairs Hedge Trimming/ Tree Pruning Landscaping, yard Reno's Res. Snow Removal Gutter Cleaning Blackberry Removal Ray Vandenberg rayscleanupand 250-667-7777
THE MOSS MAN28th year!Chemical Free Roof DemossingGutter Cleaning Window Washing Darren 778-352-3315Free Estimates!
THE MOSS MAN28th year!Chemical Free Roof DemossingGutter Cleaning Window Washing Darren 778-352-3315Free Estimates!
THE MOSS MAN28th year!Chemical Free Roof DemossingGutter Cleaning Window Washing Darren 778-352-3315Free Estimates!

Legal Notices 

Box 280 (5031 - 50  Box 280 (5031 - 50 St.)  Stettler, AB T0C 2L0    TOWN OF STETTLER DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NOTICE  Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit Applications  have been approved as permitted uses in accordance with the Town of  Stettler Land Use Bylaw No 2060-15:  1.    No:  Legal Description:  Municipal Address:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    3557-2024  Lot 40, Block 36, Plan 9420987  4820 - 54 Street  Jesse Vikse  Interior Renovation    2.    No:  Legal Description:  Municipal Address:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    3558-2024  Lot 17, Block 60, Plan 5847HW  4607 - 54 Street  Scott Pochylko  Interior Renovation    3.    No:  Legal Description:  Municipal Address:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    3559-2024  Lot N1/2 24, 25 to 30, Block 15, Plan RN54A  4841 - 50 Street  Charlene Dahl  Retail Store    Angela Stormoen  Development Officer
County Of Stettler No. 6  County Of Stettler No. 6    6602 - 44 Ave., Box 1270,  Stettler AB T0C 2L0  Telephone: (403) 742-4441 Fax: (403) 742-1277    PUBLIC NOTICE  DEVELOPMENT PERMIT  APPLICATIONS APPROVED  Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit Applications in  accordance with the County of Stettler No. 6 Land Use Bylaw No. 1443-10 were  conditionally approved by the Development Authority:  Discretionary use permits  No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24077  SW-36-37-17-W4M  Logic Energy  Private Utility and Data Processing Centre    No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24087  Lot 3 Block 1 Plan 112 4110  Klassen Construction  Manufacturing Facility    No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24088  SE-30-38-20-W4M  Colleen Warren  Placement of Manufactured Home    No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24091  Lot 52 Block 1 Plan 062 0721  Jeff Chorel  Detached Dwelling and 5 ancillary buildings    No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24092  Lot A Plan 882 1853  Darcy Klassen  Addition to a Community Facility    No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24093  Lot 27ER Blk 6 Plan 1524494, Lot 17ER Blk 8 Plan 1524957,  Lot 29ER Blk 2 Plan 0620307, Lot 64ER Blk 2 Plan 0720960  Rochon Sands Heights Community Association  Private storage within the Public Services District    No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24094  Lot 5 Block 1 Plan 162 2117  Jordan Boese  Automotive Repair Shop Major    No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24096  Lot 1 Plan 5827NY  Estate of Jim Ainsworth  Variance to side yard    Digital copy of the development permits that have been recently approved by  the County of Stettler are available on the County of Stettler No. 6 website. Notices  are posted every Friday under the heading with the posting date. The most recent  approvals are at the top of the list. Click on the file number (i.e. DP 24017) to open a  PDF file of the development permit. If you are not able to open the PDF file of the permit,  please contact Planning & Development and arrange for a copy to be sent to you.  Any person claiming to be affected by such decision may appeal by giving notice  in writing to the appropriate appeal authority. Each development permit identifies  whether the appeal must be filed with the Land and Property Rights Tribunal or the  Regional Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. An appeal must be filed  no later than 21 days from the date of this notification. Development permits for a  permitted use can only be appealed if one or more provisions of the Land Use Bylaw  were relaxed, varied, or misinterpreted. Development permits for a discretionary use  can be appealed by any person claiming to be affected by the decision.
District of Fort St. James  District of Fort St. James  2025 Council Meeting Schedule  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to section 127 of the Community  Charter, District of Fort St. James Council has established the date, time,and  place of the regular Council meetings to be held in 2025. The 2025 Regular  Council Meeting schedule is available below, and on the District’s Website  and on the public notice bulletin board located outside the entrance of the  District Office, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, BC.    2025 Regular Council Meeting Schedule  January  21st and 28th  February  11th and 25th  March  11th and 25th  April  8th and 22nd  May  6th and 27th  June  10th and 24th  July  8th and 22nd  August  12th and 26th  September  9th  October  14th and 28th  November  12th and 25th  December  9th  Pursuant to Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1015, 2019, Regular Council meetings  will be held at Council Chambers, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, BC,  starting at 17:00 hours and adjourning at 22:00 hours.
Forest Operations Map <br># 2010  Forest Operations Map  # 2010 Public Notice  Kitwancool Cranberry Forest Products Inc. /  Kitwanga Forest Products Ltd.  Please be advised that Kitwancool Cranberry Forest Products  Inc. / Kitwanga Forest Products Ltd. (FL A88973) has published  a Forest Operations Map (FOM), which will be publicly available  for review and comment. FOM #2010 depicts the locations  where harvesting and road construction may occur.  The public may access and review the map in the following  ways during the period of December 5 to January 4:  • In-person at Fortec Consulting, located at 201-3005 Kalum St,  Terrace, BC, during the regular operating hours of 9:00 AM to  3:00 PM, Monday through Friday, or by appointment.  • Online at  Public review and comment begin on December 5, 2024 and  end on January 4, 2025. Those wishing to submit comments  may do so in the following ways:  • By personal delivery at the physical address identified above,  during regular operating hours, and by appointment.  • By mail, c/o FOM #2010, PO Box 491, Stn Main, Terrace, BC  V8G 4B5.  • By email at  • Or, by accessing the FOM website listed above and providing  comments Online:  This notice applies to the Forest License A88973 Area project(s).  Kitwancool Cranberry Forest Products Inc. / Kitwanga Forest  Products Ltd. may rely upon these maps for three years  commencing on January 4, 2025 to apply for a cutting permit  or a road permit.
Forest Operations <br>Maps Notice <br>Tolko’s  Forest Operations  Maps Notice  Tolko’s Southern Interior Woodlands Forest Operational Maps  (FOM) are available for public review and comments online at:  Review and comment period:  December 13th, 2024, to January 12th, 2025.  The FOM is also available for in-person review and comments  at 4280 Highway 6, Lumby, BC, during business hours  of 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday except on Stat  Holidays. Comments can also be submitted by email at  The FOM is valid for 3 years during which the FOM may be  relied upon to apply for a cutting permit or road permit to  harvest a cutblock or construct a road shown on the FOM.
IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE <br>WARE-HOUSE  IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE  WARE-HOUSE LIEN ACT,  LANGFORD STORAGE ROOM LTD.  WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING:  Locker #3108 Contents, Registered to  Mark MacLaurin  The auction will take place online at on December 12th, 2024.  For all enquiries, contact Bid13 or call  Langford Storage Room at 250-590-7677
Legal Notice <br>IN ACCORDANCE WITH  Legal Notice  IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE  WAREHOUSE LIEN ACT,  Notice is given that D.R. Affleck  Holdings LTD DBA Peninsula Towing  INC located at 6678 Bertram Place will  sell at its premises on  December 12, 2024, by sealed bid the  following vehicles for the purpose of  satisfying the Warehouse Lien. Bids  close December 6th, 2024, at 11:00am    2006 TOYOTA SIENNA  VIN: 5TDZA29C76S464339.  Debtor: Xiang, Q  1985 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS  VIN: 2G3GM47HXF2323808  Debtor: White, B  2005 NISSAN ALTIMA  VIN: 1N4AL11E75C337742  Debtor: This Rides 4 U  Wheelchairs  2015 VW JETTA  VIN: 3VW2K7AJ0FM336091  Debtor: Tu, Y  2013 FORD ESCAPE  VIN: 1FMCU0F78DUC38825  Readings, T.