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Legal Notices 

Landlords Contractual Lien <br> <br>U-Haul  Landlords Contractual Lien    U-Haul Self Storage Sidney claims a Landlords Contractual Lien against the following  persons goods in storage at 10201 McDonald Park Rd., Sidney, BC Tel: 250-656-5321.  Auction is subject to cancellation at any time without notice.  Kiran Nijjer  THOMAS SPONARKSI  Lisa Yamamoto  Lisa Yamamoto    SHAWN DINNEY  Chris Eldridge  Sandra Humphreys    A sale will take place online at starting at 7:00 PM on Saturday  March 15, 2025, until 7:00 PM on Saturday March 22, 2025. Winners will be contacted  by email at the end of the auction. Room contents are personal/household goods  unless noted otherwise. Bids will be for the entire contents of each locker unit.
Legal Notice <br>WARE-HOUSE LIEN ACT,  Legal Notice  WARE-HOUSE LIEN ACT,  WESTSHORE TOWING LTD  WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING:  2011 Chrysler 300  VIN# 2C3CA6CT4BH612787  Registered to Alan Fair  Yamaha YZF R6  VIN# JYARJ12N27A002951  Registered to Alexander Giest  2004 Chev Cavalier  VIN# 3G1JC52F14S110170  Registered to Michael Chabot  2002 Hyundai Accent  VIN# KMHCG45C62U271509  Registered to Earl Ellis  2001 Dodge/Ram Caravan  VIN# 1B4GP45R11B154762  Registered to Richard Gerein  2008 Chev 1500  VIN# 2GCEK13CX81249031  Registered to Darren Harry  2005 Chevrolet Silverado  VIN# 2GCEK19B451211787  Registered to Michael Gibson  1999 Dodge Dakota  VIN# 1GTCS14A2M0525700  Registered to Victor Daffurn  2022 Dodge/Ram 2500  VIN# 3C6UR5DJXNG129767  Registered to Blair Ferbrache  The sale will take place at 1247 Parkdale Dr,  Victoria, B.C. on Oct 16, 2024 @ 11am  For offers and info call 250-474-1369
Legal Notices <br> <br>Legal Notices  Legal Notices    Legal Notices    NOTICE TO CREDITORS  AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of  EDMUND LLOYD JORGENSEN  Who died on November 28, 2024  If you have a claim against this Estate  you must file your claim by  APRIL 4, 2025 with SHIRLEY BERGMAN  79 51219 RR195, Beaver County,  Alberta T0B 4J1.  If you do not file by the date above, the  estate property can lawfully be distributed  without regard to any claim you may have.
Notice of Application <br>Confined Feeding  Notice of Application  Confined Feeding Operation    Jan-Willem Lok, on behalf of Willem and Teunis Lok, has filed Application RA25006 with  the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) to obtain an approval to expand an  existing poultry confined feeding operation (CFO) on the SW 9-45-27 W4M in the County  of Wetaskiwin, Alberta. The application is to increase the permitted number of chicken  broilers from 70,000 to 120,000 and expand the two existing poultry barns.    Filing a Response    Any person who is directly affected by the application may submit a written response  to the NRCB. The response must be received by the NRCB on or before 4:30 pm on  March 27, 2025. Submissions should be made to the NRCB address provided below. All  attachments sent electronically must be in a pdf format. A copy of the responses will be  sent to the applicant for comment. Responses regarding the application may be posted  on the NRCB’s public website, as they are public records and are non-confidential.  Your written response must include your name, the legal land description of your residence  or landholdings, mailing address, phone number, and email address. You must also  explain how you are directly affected. For further information please refer to the fact sheet  “The Permitting Process for Confined Feeding Operations in Alberta” at  Failure to submit a written response affects your right to apply for an NRCB Board review.    Viewing the Application    A complete copy of the application and supporting documents submitted by the applicant  under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act may be viewed on the NRCB website at (under Confined Feeding Operations / Notice of Approval and Registration  Applications). The application will also be available for in-person viewing at the Red Deer  office by appointment. If you require further information, please contact the approval  officer listed below.  Lynn Stone, Approval Officer  #303, 4920 – 51 Street  Red Deer, AB T4N 6K8  403-340-5358    The closing date for submissions:  4:30 pm on March 27, 2025  Dated at Red Deer, AB, on February 27, 2025
NOTICE OF <br>DESTRUCTION <br>The vessel,  NOTICE OF  DESTRUCTION  The vessel, Little Stormer, will be destroyed  on March 12, 2025, on account of vessel  seaworthiness and abandonment.  Please contact  Shayne Sadler, President,  Tofino Harbour Authority;  At (250) 731-5439.
NOTICE OF <br>DESTRUCTION <br>The Vessels  NOTICE OF  DESTRUCTION  The Vessels Lady Savida- 23160 and Roving  Beauty-24767 will be destroyed March 10,  2025 on account of vessels seaworthiness  and abandonment.  Please contact Keri Dybhavn, CEO, Port  Edward Harbour Authority by email at
Notice of Disposition of Land  Notice of Disposition of Land  Pursuant to Sections 285 and 286 of the Local Government Act, Notice is hereby given  that the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) intends to dispose of land via  Leasehold Agreement known as the China Creek Regional Park and Campground, with  the following:  PID    LEGAL DESCRIPTION    000-503-801    Lot 1, District Lot 153, Alberni District, Plan 18547,  Except Parts in Plans 28684 and 41248    000-529-320    Lot A, District Lot 153, Alberni District, Plan 41248    The Lands are presently held and occupied by the Port Alberni Port Authority as a  campground facility pursuant to a lease for a term of 19.5 years commencing July 1,  2010 and expiring on December 31, 2029. The proposed disposition is a new Lease  (the “Lease”) for a period of 20 years commencing January 1, 2030 and expiring in  December 31, 2049. The rent to be received by the ACRD in respect of the new term of  the Lease is an amount equal to 2.4% of the Lease holders annual gross revenue from  the campground, at year 11 the rent is to be renegotiated. The capital upgrades to be  received by the ACRD in respect to the new terms of the lease include  • Water System Upgrade  • Lower Boat Trailer Parking Area Upgrades  • Internet Upgrade  • Septic System Upgrades  • Games Courts  • Upper Parking Lot Development  • Main Road Paving  • Dredging  Any individual, entity, or corporation wishing to enter into a lease with the ACRD for  this property must submit, in writing, their proposal and acceptance of all of the terms  and conditions as outlined in the lease agreement to the ACRD. The proposal must be  delivered to the ACRD, at the email address or mailing address shown below, no later  than 4:00 PM PST on February 28, 2025. Faxed proposals will not be accepted.  This is not a call for tenders. No contractual or other obligation will arise between the  ACRD and any person that responds to this Notice unless and until a written agreement  has been duly executed relating to an approved proposal. The ACRD reserves the right  in its absolute discretion to accept or reject any proposal submitted in response to this  Notice.  For further details pertaining to the above noted Lease please contact ACRD  Procurement at or 250-720-2700.  Email Submission:  Paper Submission: 3008 Fifth Avenue, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 2E3
NOTICE OF PUBLIC INPUT <br>2025-2029  NOTICE OF PUBLIC INPUT  2025-2029 Financial Plan  The proposed 2025-2029 Financial Plan will be considered by the Regional District Board at  a Special Meeting on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. in the RDKS boardroom, located  on the first floor, 4545 Lazelle Ave, Terrace, B.C.  Any person(s) wishing to provide input regarding the Financial Plan may do so in person at  the meeting, in writing to the Regional District at the address or email below, or virtually at the  meeting via Microsoft Teams. You can request to speak virtually at the meeting by emailing  the Regional District. You will then be provided with a link for joining the virtual meeting.  Requests to speak virtually must be received before Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at  4:30 p.m.  A copy of the proposed 2025-2029 Financial Plan may be picked up at the RDKS office  during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Financial Plan  will also be available on the Regional District website at Revised versions  of the Financial Plan will be posted on the website, if required, as they become available.    Email:  Phone: 250-615-6100    Mail: 300 - 4545 Lazelle Ave  Terrace, BC V8G 4E1
Notice of Sale: <br>2008 Jayco  Notice of Sale:  2008 Jayco Travel Trailer/ RV  Vin#:1UJBJ02P487EN0627  Debtor: Kimberlee Dawn MacIsaac  Amount: $6,500.00  This Travel Trailer/ RV will be available  for sale as of March 17, 2025, at 1115  Boundary St, Williams Lake, BC.  Contact: Darren McEachen at  250-267-9725
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of MARY TOY, also known as SHUN YAU TOY;  MARY SHUN YAU TOY  who died on July 10, 2024  If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by  April 4, 2025  with    JOHN W. HAUTMANN    at    SUITE 1410, 5555 CALGARY TRAIL NW,  EDMONTON, AB, T6H5P9    If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can  lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
Notice to Remove Private Land  Notice to Remove Private Land from W1909  Please be advised that Leigh & Dennis Swanson, Licensees of  Woodlot 1909, are proposing to remove 12 hectares of their private  land from Woodlot 1909. The land includes Lot 1, Plan VIP 77459,  Section 19, and Lot 2, Plan VIP 77459, Section 19, Malcolm Island.  Inquiries and comments to this proposal from persons materially  impacted may be submitted by March 10, 2025 to Leigh and Dennis  Swanson, Box 350, Sointula, BC, V0N 3E0. Written inquiries received  by the above date will be responded to. Information about this  proposal may also be obtained by contacting Dennis Swanson at  250 230 1909.
NOTICE: This is to inform  NOTICE: This is to inform Darrel  Cutforth (10x20 heated unit),  located at Coombs Island Self  Storage, 990 Shearme RD,  Coombs, BC, that the household  goods stored there will be sold  unless the outstanding storage  fees are paid in full by 9:00 AM on  February 27th.
Public <br>Notice / Avis Public  Public  Notice / Avis Public  Public Notice / Avis Public    Proposed TELUS  Telecommunications  Facility  47.0-Meter  TallSelf-Support  Self-Support  Tower  Structure  Proposed  TELUS Telecommunications  Facility  47.0-Meter Tall  Tower  Structure  Projet  DInstallation DeDe  Télécommunications  TELUS Structure  de tour autoportante  47,0 mètres de haut  Projet  D’Installation  Télécommunications  TELUS Structure  de tourdeautoportante  de  47,0 mètres de haut  Proposed Structure:    Proposed  Structure:  As part of  the public consultation process  Innovation,  and Economic  Asrequired  part ofbythe  public Science  consultation  process  Development  Canada (ISED),  is inviting  required  by Innovation,  ScienceTELUS  and Economic  the public to Canada  comment  on a proposed  Development  (ISED),  TELUS is inviting  facility consisting  of a 47.0thetelecommunications  public to comment  on a proposed  meter tall self-support tower structure and  telecommunications  facility consisting of a  ancillary radio equipment situated on private  47.0meter tall self-support tower structure and  property at 8530 Highway 3 and 6, Salmo, BC  ancillary  situated  on Festival  private  (knownradio  locallyequipment  as the Shambala  Music  property  at  8530  Highway  3  and  6,  Salmo,  BC  property).  (known locally as the Shambala Music Festival  property).  Tower  Location/Emplacement  la Tour:  Tower  Location/Emplacement  dede  la Tour:  8530 Highway 3 and 6, Salmo, BC  8530 Highway 3 and 6, Salmo, BC    Coordinates/Coordonnées:  Coordinates/Coordonnées:  49.104176,  -117.275870  49.104176,  -117.275870  Any person may comment by close of business  Any  comment  by respect  close of to  business  day  onperson  April may  7th,  2025 with  this  th  , 2025 any  with comments  respect to this  day onPlease  April 7submit  matter.  to the  matter. contact:  Please submit any comments to the  following  following contact:    Toute personne peut commenter cette  question  avant la fermeture  des bureaux  Toute personne  peut commenter  cette le 7  avril  2025. Veuillez  question  avant lasoumettre  fermeture vos  descommentaires  bureaux le 7  auavril  contact  suivant  : soumettre vos  2025.  Veuillez  commentaires au contact suivant :    TELUS Contact / Coordonnées du  Représentant de TELUS :  TELUS Contact / Coordonnées du  SitePath  Consulting Ltd.  Représentant de TELUS:  Brian  Gregg,  MCIP, RPP Ltd.  SitePath Consulting  POBrian  Box 20138,  Gregg,Vancouver  MCIP, RPPRPO  PO BoxBC  20138,  Vancouver RPO  Fairview,  V5Z 0C1  Fairview,  BC V5Z 0C1  Mobile:  778-870-1388  Mobile: 778-870-1388  Email:  Email:    Structure Proposée:    Structure  Proposée  :  Dans le cadre  du processus  de consultation  publique  requisdu  parprocessus  Innovation,de  Sciences  et  Dans  le cadre  consultation  Développement  Canada  (ISDE), et  publique  requis économique  par Innovation,  Sciences  TELUS invite le public  à commenter  un projet  Développement  économique  Canada  (ISDE),  dinstallation  télécommunications  TELUS  invite ledepublic  à commenter composé  un projet  dune structure de tour autoportante de 47,0  d’installation  de télécommunications composé  mètres de haut et dun équipement radio  d’une  structure  de tour autoportante de 47,0  auxiliaire situé sur une propriété privée au 8530,  mètres  de 3haut  d’un en  équipement  autoroutes  et 6, et  à Salmo,  Colombie- radio  auxiliaire  situé  sur une  propriété  Britannique  (connue  localement  sousprivée  le nom au  de  8530,  autoroutes  3 et 6, Music  à Salmo,  en Colombiepropriété  du Shambala  Festival).  Britannique (connue localement sous le nom de  propriété du Shambala Music Festival).
PUBLIC NOTICE <br>Amendment to Land  PUBLIC NOTICE  Amendment to Land Use By-Law 7-08-LU  The Council of Ponoka County has been asked by Darren Weening, Agent for  Philco Investments Ltd., to amend Land Use By-Law 7-08-LU as follows:  Reclassify the SW 21-42-1-W5 from Restricted Agricultural District to  Country Residential District to allow for a future multi-lot subdivision  on the property.  Before considering the by-law, Council will hold a Public Hearing at which any  person claiming to be affected may ask questions or make comments. This  hearing is scheduled for 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 in the Council  Chambers of the County Administration Building. You may forward your  comments/concerns prior to the meeting by phone, fax or email as noted below.  A copy of the proposed by-law may be inspected at the County Administration  Building, Ponoka, Alberta during regular office hours.    Peter Hall  Chief Administrative Officer  Ponoka County  4205 - Highway #2A  PONOKA, Alberta T4J 1V9  Phone: 783-3333  Fax: 783-6965  e-mail:
PUBLIC <br>NOTICE <br>Notice of Disposition  PUBLIC  NOTICE  Notice of Disposition  of Property  In accordance with sections 26 and  94 of the Community Charter, the  Town of Comox gives notice that it  intends to consider the disposition  of a portion of Town property as  follows:  Civic Address: 1729B Comox Avenue  Legal Description: Portion of Lot A,  Plan VIP31594, Section 56, Comox  Land District  Size of Premises: 149 square metres  Organization to Acquire Premises:  Dr. Thomas C. Woods Inc.  Nature of the Disposition: Lease  Term of Disposition: January 1,  2025, to December 31, 2029  Consideration to be Received:  $167,979  Any inquiries concerning the  proposed lease should be sent by  email to or call  250-339-2202.
PUBLIC NOTICE <br>TAKE NOTICE THAT;  PUBLIC NOTICE  TAKE NOTICE THAT; any One with a prior,  equal, or superior right, interest, CONDUCT,  treaty or Convention in/to/for/of the  NAME and property of: MIGUEL MAURICIO  VILLAMIL BARRIOS and/or VILLAMIL  BARRIOS, MIGUEL MAURICIO Estate; in  any style or variation thereof capable to  confuse, suspend or clog said NAME, Title  and/or Estate is hereby WARRANTED to  present their said claim to Witness: Paul  Ronald, Edwards c/o: PO BOX 1006  6028 Spartan Street, Oliver, BC V0H 1T0  before expiration of twenty-eight (28) days  of the first publishing of this Notice.
Public Notice: <br>Forest Operations Map  Public Notice:  Forest Operations Map  The public is invited to review and comment on Canoe  Forest Products Ltd. Forest Operation Map (FOM). The FOM  describes areas proposed for Cutting Permit and Road Permit  Development in the Shuswap and Three Valley areas under FL  A18670. FOM ID# 2191 will be available for public viewing  and comment for 30 days beginning February 27th, 2025 and  ending on March 29th, 2025.  Online comments can be made and maps reviewed at the FOM  website:  Printed maps can also be viewed through appointment at  the Canoe Forest Products main office located in Canoe, BC.  between 8:30 AM-4:00 PM, Monday to Friday (excluding public  holidays), at:  Canoe Forest Products Ltd. (Main Office)  8160 Trans Canada Hwy NE,  Canoe B.C., V0E 1K0  Written comments may also be submitted to FOM@canoefp.  com, or via mail to the above address.  Please reference FOM ID# 2191 if commenting by email or  mail. Preference is for comments to be submitted through  the Provincial Online Portal.  Following the review and comment period, this FOM may be  relied upon to apply for a Road Permit or Cutting Permit for a  3-year period ending March 29, 2028.
T.D. Repairs Ltd – <br>Sale  T.D. Repairs Ltd –  Sale of Abandoned Vehicle  2017 International ProStar Tractor  VIN #: 3HSDJAPR5HN677094  Ranjit (Randy) Singh Owing $17,957.97  This unit may be viewed.  And the bids must be submitted by March 6th, 2025.  Address: 9396 Smiley Rd Chemainus, BC ,V0R1K4
T.D. Repairs Ltd – <br>Sale  T.D. Repairs Ltd –  Sale of Abandoned Vehicle  2017 International ProStar Tractor  VIN #: 3HSDJAPR5HN677094  Ranjit (Randy) Singh Owing $17,957.97  This unit may be viewed.  And the bids must be submitted by March 6th, 2025.  Address: 9396 Smiley Rd Chemainus, BC ,V0R1K4
TAKE NOTICE THAT; any One  TAKE NOTICE THAT; any One with a prior, equal, or superior  right, interest, CONDUCT, treaty or Convention in/to/for/of  the NAME and property of: CHRISTOPHER GERALD CONRON  DALLOW and/or DALLOW, CHRISTOPHER GERALD CONRON  Estate; in any style or variation thereof capable to confuse,  suspend or clog said NAME, Title and/or Estate is hereby  WARRANTED to present their said claim to Witness: Eric  Christopher, STUTZMAN. c/o: 11027 112 Ave, Fort St John  BRITISH COLUMBIA, V1J0R6 before expiration of twentyeight (28) days of the first publishing of this Notice
TimberWest Forest Corp. <br>Quadra –  TimberWest Forest Corp.  Quadra – Quinsam Forest  Stewardship Plan  Mosaic Forest Management (Mosaic), on behalf of TimberWest Forest Corp., North Island Operation, gives  notice and invites written comment on a proposed amendment to the approved Quadra-Quinsam Forest  Stewardship Plan (FSP). The purpose of this amendment is to update the strategy related to the Order  Establishing Provincial Non-Spatial Old Growth Objectives. The amended strategy will describe how the full  target amount of old forest will be achieved in the Quadra Landscape Unit.  In accordance with FRPA Section 18 and Forest Planning and Practices Regulation Section 20, the proposed  FSP amendment is available for public review and comment for a 60-day period, from February 21, 2025  to April 22, 2025. The proposed FSP amendment may be revised as a result of written comments received  during the public review and comment period.  The proposed FSP amendment will be available for review at the following location, dates and time. To  ensure a representative from Mosaic is available to discuss the proposed amendment any interested  parties should phone in advance to arrange an appointment. If any interested parties are unable to review  the proposed FSP amendment during these times, arrangements can be made to view the plan at a time  of mutual convenience.  Location    Date    Mosaic Forest Management  4475 N. Island Highway  Campbell River, B.C.    Time    February 21, 2025 to April 22, 2025  Weekdays, excluding Holidays    9:00 am – 12:00 pm and  1:00 to 4:00 pm    The FSP may be viewed online at the following website:  Written comments related to the  proposed FSP amendment must  be received no later than April  22, 2025. If you wish to make  an appointment to discuss the  proposed FSP amendment in more  detail or provide written comments,  please contact or address all  comments to:    Woods Bay    ! Chonat Bay  (  (  !  DLS    DLS    Quadra North  19    V  U    (  !    North Kanish    DLS    (  !  DLS    Quadra South    TimberWest  Johnstone Strait Operation    (  !    NILS    DLS    sc  Di    February 17, 2025    ov    (  !    Dry Land Sort    Sutil Channel    sa    DLS    as    yP    ge    (  !    Gowlland    DLS    er    Operating Area  Quadra North  Quadra South    ¹    Quinsam  0    5    10    (  Campbell River !    20  Kilometres  28  V  U    V  U    Quinsam    19    Jennifer Peschke, RPF  Area Forester,  Mosaic Forest Management  Box 2800  Campbell River, B.C. V9W 5C5  e-mail:  phone: (250) 716-3722    South Kanish
Tk’emlups te Secwepemc <br>Woodlot#1839 <br>Woodlot  Tk’emlups te Secwepemc  Woodlot#1839  Woodlot License Plan Advertisement  Pursuant to section 17 of the Woodlot  Planning and Practices Regulations, Take  notice that TteS intends to submit a 10-year  Woodlot License Plan for Woodlot#1839 in  the Thompson Rivers Forest District. This  plan is publicly available for comment during  regular business hours At #200-330 Chief  Alex Thomas Way, Kamloops. Or call 250-8511634 and ask for Dwayne Paradis. Comments  should be received by April 1, 2025
Twin River <br>Estates Notice <br>Twin  Twin River  Estates Notice  Twin River Estates, Terrace BC, wish to  remind Applicants they must contact  the Society office at least once a year to  confirm their continued interest and keep  contact information accurate.  Should a unit become available and the  Applicant cannot be reached with their  information on file, they will be removed  from the wait list.  Application updates may be made by  an office visit the last Thursday of every  month, 2pm to 4 pm or by email to
Warehouse Lien Act <br>2012 Western  Warehouse Lien Act  2012 Western Star  VIN-5KKPALDRXCPB2971  Tyler Hubner  5006 Bush Road, Port Alberni BC V9Y 8V5  Total owing to Alberni Towing $52,714.05
Warehouse Lien Act <br>Individuals listed  Warehouse Lien Act  Individuals listed below:  Take notice that 0694957 BC Ltd dba JC Storage, 620 Payne St. Creston,  BC, claims a lien pursuant to the WAREHOUSE LIEN ACT [RSBC 1996]  and amendment thereto, on the personal property of:  Samantha Quinton: deposited July 9th 2021 Balance owing $576.80  Melissa Ockey: deposited Feb 8 2022 Balance owing $1,124.30  If these charges remain unpaid as of March 13, 2025, 0694957 BC LTD.  will sell property to recover the amount owed, plus the cost of sale.
Warehouse Lien <br>Maple Bay Marina  Warehouse Lien  Maple Bay Marina of Duncan, BC herby gives notice to the public  that the 42’ Bayliner power vessel that bears the name “Kingfisher”  belonging to and deposited by Kevin Millward, will be sold by public  silent auction pursuant to the Warehouse Lien Act RSBC 1996, c.480.  Vessel may be viewed at Maple Bay Marina, sealed bids may be  submitted in confidence to Maple Bay Marina, before 3 PM on the  12th of March, 2025. Maple Bay Marina is located at 6145 Genoa Bay  Road, Duncan, B.C. V9L 5T7  Minimum bid $10000.00
Warehouseman’s Lien Act <br>2021 Kia  Warehouseman’s Lien Act  2021 Kia Sportage  Vin# KNDPMCAC4M7853690  Registered Owner:  Sarah Nicole Dufresne  This Vehicle will be sold at Keegz South  Country Towing LTD  655 Courtesy RD Genelle BC on or after  Mar.07/ 2025  For the towing and Storage amount of  $12,694.50  For info please call 250-365-0603
Warehouseman’s Lien Act <br>Under the  Warehouseman’s Lien Act  Under the terms of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, goods and  personal property of the person/s listed below and stored at  Glacier Self Storage, 1697 Ryan Road East, Comox BC, have  been seized and will be sold on or after March 5th, 2025, to  recover the cost of unpaid storage rent.  Tammy Allnut    $1,126.00    Terri McCharles    $1,569.52
Warehouseman’s Lien Act <br>Under the  Warehouseman’s Lien Act  Under the terms of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, goods and  personal property of the persons listed below, and deposited  at TC Storage, 6767 Trans Canada Highway, Duncan BC, have  been seized and will be sold on, or after February27th, 2025  to recover the cost for unpaid storage.  James Skillings    $348.80    Richard Smith    $805.55