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MeMorial <br>Fund <br>Thank you for  MeMorial  Fund  Thank you for  your support    Donation envelopes can be picked up at the Fraser  Canyon Hospital Gift Shop and Fraser Hope Lodge  info board or donations can be sent to: FCH/FHL  Auxiliary, PO Box 933, Hope BC, V0X1L0.  All donations will be solely used to purchase  equipment for our local hospitaI and lodge.  Donations will be receipted and an inscribed card  will be sent to the bereaved.
NARCOTICS <br>ANONYMOUS <br> <br>Open meetings  NARCOTICS  ANONYMOUS    Open meetings  Saturdays at 7:00pm  43 Dogwood Ave. (United Church)  Power of unity!  We do recover!
Narcotics Anonymous Open meetings Mondays - 7 p.m. Clearwater Library (side door) For more info call 604-728-7419 (cell)
Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Clearwater 250-674-2135, Barriere 250-672-6444, or North Thompson Valley 1-855-674-2135
SALMON ArM <br>CitizeNS PAtrOL <br>  SALMON ArM  CitizeNS PAtrOL    Community service, flexible hours,  interesting information, and  friendship = SACP membership  Help keep Salmon Arm safe by going  out on a 4-hour patrol one afternoon or  evening each month. We also take part  in numerous community events and enjoy  socializing together.  For more information and an application  find SACP at  or Facebook.
SMART <br> <br>Recovery <br>Yukon <br>  SMART    Recovery  Yukon    Self Management  & Recovery Training    A support group for  addictive behaviours    Meetings every  Monday at 6:45 pm  At Mental Wellness and  Substance Use Services  Sarah Steele Building  609 Steele Street, 3rd floor    f    Visit us on facebook  for more information  @ S M A R TRecoveryYukon    867 333-9511
YOU CAN HELP <br>BUILD A  YOU CAN HELP  BUILD A  HEALTHIER  FOUNDATION    In order to continue to provide the quality  of health care that our community needs  and deserves, we require ongoing support.  The Ministry of Health funds the  daily activities of the 100 Mile District  Hospital, Fischer Place, Millsite Lodge  and Community Health Care Programs.  It also provides limited funds for some  capital equipment, but we want to offer  our patients, residents and community  care clients more than the basic care.  We need to ensure they have access  to the most advanced technology, the  most effective treatments, and the  benefits of excellent care.  Whether it’s Estate Planning, a Gift of  Stock or any Donation, please consider  a financial gift to your South Cariboo  Health Foundation.  100% of your gift/donation stays in the  100 Mile District Hospital complex and  goes to enhance and improve your health  service at home.    When you wish to donate, contact us at  250-706-2101, Bag 399, 100 Mile House, B.C.  V0K 2E0 or visit:    South Cariboo  Health Foundation  Supporting a healthy community  by keeping funding at home.
YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS Supports Sooke Hospice in your Community. For your convenience Now Available Pay Pal with credit card 250-642-4345 Box 731, V9Z 1H7


20+ YEARS <br>EXPERIENCE <br> <br>TUCK  20+ YEARS  EXPERIENCE    TUCK    LANDSCAPING    Landscape, Construction,  Construction,  Landscape,  PavingStones  Stones,• Spring  BobcatCleanups  Service,  Paving  Tie Walls & Lawn  Snow Maintenance  Maintenance  Tie    CALL JOHN  250-804-6190
As we close for another  As we close for another season  (Friday Nov 29th),  we would like to thank you  for a great year, and we look  forward to serving you in the  spring,    March 2025,    JUST    250.541.0111  1.866.439.0111    ROCKS    186 GREENHOW ROAD    VERNON  1 KM NORTH OF  SWAN LAKE  NURSERY    NO ROCK TOO BIG • NO PURCHASE TOO SMALL
lMa&nGAdRD’sEN <br>B <br>FAR <br>SALES <br>  lMa&nGAdRD’sEN  B  FAR  SALES    PICK-UP  OR  DELIVERY    • Bark Mulch  • Well Rotted  Garden Manure  • Garden Soils    Stanley Bland 832-6615 or 833-2449

Lawn and Garden 

Gardening & Landscaping Summer Specials  Gardening & Landscaping Summer Specials * Clean Up Schafer Beetle Repair Tree Pruning & Hedges BOBCAT SERVICES Retaining Walls * Concrete * Driveways * Paths * Patios Asphalt Repair & Sealing DECKS, FENCING & MORE 25+ Yrs exp. WCB Insured. Donny 604-600-6049
THE MOSS MAN28th year!Chemical Free Roof DemossingGutter Cleaning Window Washing Darren 778-352-3315Free Estimates!
THE MOSS MAN28th year!Chemical Free Roof DemossingGutter Cleaning Window Washing Darren 778-352-3315Free Estimates!

Legal Notices 

Box 280 (5031 - 50  Box 280 (5031 - 50 St.)  Stettler, AB T0C 2L0    TOWN OF STETTLER DEVELOPMENT  PERMIT NOTICE  Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit  Applications have been approved as permitted uses in accordance  with the Town of Stettler Land Use Bylaw No 2060-15:  1. No: 3556-2024  Legal Description: Lot 2, Block 2, Plan 9722169  Municipal Address: 4608 – 44 Avenue  Applicant: Brian Braun  Proposed Development: Temporary Structure – Metal  Freight Container  Angela Stormoen  Planning & Development Services
County Of Stettler No. 6  County Of Stettler No. 6    6602 - 44 Ave., Box 1270,  Stettler AB T0C 2L0  Telephone: (403) 742-4441 Fax: (403) 742-1277    PUBLIC NOTICE    AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE BYLAW  BYLAW 1724-24  Notice is hereby given that the County of Stettler No. 6 is proposing to amend Bylaw 1433-10  as follows:  “Rezone a 12.5 acres (5.05 hectares) portion of the NW-8-39-19-W4M from the Agricultural  (A) District to the Country Residence Agricultural (CRA) District ”, as shown below.    The intent of the amendment is to rezone a portion of the NW-8-39-19-W4M where a subdivision  has been applied for. The Subdivision is proposing to separate the acreage from the remainder  of the quarter section. The subdivision will have 4 privately titled parcels in the quarter section,  triggering the requirement for the parcel to be rezoned from the Agricultural District, to the County  Residence Agricultural as per the requirement of the Municipal Development Plan.  The bylaw may be reviewed at the County Administration Building located at 6602 – 44 Avenue,  Stettler, Alberta during regular office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.  The Public Hearing to hear representation concerning Bylaw 1730-24 is scheduled to be held  Wednesday December 11, 2024 at 1:00PM or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council  Chambers at the County Administration Building located at 6602 – 44 Avenue, Stettler, Alberta.  Any person wishing to comment on the proposed bylaw may do so in writing to the Director of  Planning & Development, County of Stettler No. 6, Box 1270 Stettler, Alberta, T0C 2L0, or by email  to by December 4, 2024 or make representation at the Public Hearing.  The hearing will be chaired by the Reeve. Persons wishing to join by teleconference or speak in  person will be requested to state their name and address for the record upon being recognized by  the Chair. Council will hear verbal or written submissions from any person who claims to be affected  by the proposed bylaw. Persons may make oral presentations at the hearing regardless of whether  they have provided written comments.  Following the Public Hearing, Council may proceed with second and third reading to approve the  bylaw.  Should you require additional information, please contact the Planning and Development  Department at (403) 742-4441.  Dated: November 15, 2024.    Rich Fitzgerald  GIS Coordinator/Development Officer
Draft Woodlot Licence Plan <br>  Draft Woodlot Licence Plan    Notice is hereby given that Canoe Creek  Resources Ltd. will hold a public viewing  of draft Woodlot Licence Plan (WLP) #3 for  Woodlot 1571, situated in Larch Hills. The  draft WLP will be available for review at the  Licencee’s office situated at: 5330 20th Ave  SE Salmon Arm, BC, until Dec 28th, 2024. The  Licencee will be available to discuss draft  WLP #3 and to receive written comments  during this period. Please contact Curtis  Olson, RPF at 250-832-9446 or at the above  address for further information.
EST OPERATIONS MAP #1992: <br>  EST OPERATIONS MAP #1992:    INVITATION TO REVIEW AND PROVIDE COMMENT  ON FOREST OPERATIONS MAP #1992:    Haisla Resources Limited Partnership  Forest Operations Map #1992 for  Forest Licenses A99407 & A99408  a Resources Limited Partnership    rest Operations Map #1992 for  A ForestA99407  Operations  Map (FOM) #1992 has been prepared by Haisla Resources Limited  rest Licenses  & A99408    lands  within  the covering  Coast Mountains Resource District. The area  2 has Partnership  been prepared by covering  Haisla Resources  Limited  Partnership  byarea  FOM  #1992  includes  all forested  ource covered  District. The  covered  by FOM  #1992 includes  all forestedwithin the Pacific Timber Supply Area.  This FOM identifies planned forestry operations such as proposed cutblocks and roads  members of the  the FOM will be  consistent with the Haisla Resources Limited Partnership Forest Stewardship Plan  and(#640).  comment from Thursday, November 21st, 2024 to Monday,    erations such as proposed cutblocks and roads and is intended to provide  and is intended to provide engagement opportunities for interested  members of the public, community, and stake holder groups. Activities  community,  stake  holder  groups.  with public,  the Haisla Resources  Limited and  Partnership  Forest  Stewardship  Plan Activities proposed in    w  be accessed online or during regular operating hours at the following    The FOM will be available for review and comment from Thursday, November 21st,  2024 to Monday, December 23rd, 2024. The FOM can be accessed online or during  urces Limited Partnership FOM #1992  regular operating hours at the following locations:    Haisla  Resources Limited Partnership FOM #1992  esources Limited Partnership  Office    01 Keith Avenue, Terrace, BC Online:    Haisla Resources Limited Partnership Office  5101 Keith Avenue, Terrace, BC  ted electronically through the digital mapping service or should be in  8am-5pm  cable FOM. Written comments can be sent to theMonday-Friday  attention of:  Monday-Friday 8am-5pm    Christopher Johnston, RPF  Comments  on Ltd.  the FOM can be submitted electronically through the digital mapping  NorthPac  Forestry Group  5101 Keithor  Avenue  service  should be in writing with reference the applicable FOM. Written comments  Terrace, BC V8G 1K8  can be sent to the attention of:    Christopher  Johnston, RPF  input received  s to us no later than December 23rd, 2024. All written  ded to the District Manager of the Coast Mountain  Natural Resource  NorthPac  Forestry Group Ltd.  5101 Keith Avenue  Terrace, BC V8G 1K8  Email:  We ask that you provide these comments to us no later than December 23rd, 2024.  All written input received during the review period will be forwarded to the District  Manager of the Coast Mountain Natural Resource District of the BC Ministry of Forests.
IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE <br>WARE-HOUSE  IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE  WARE-HOUSE LIEN ACT,  LANGFORD STORAGE ROOM LTD.  WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING:  Locker #3108 Contents, Registered to  Mark MacLaurin  The auction will take place online at on December 12th, 2024.  For all enquiries, contact Bid13 or call  Langford Storage Room at 250-590-7677
Land Act: Notice of Application  Land Act: Notice of Application for a Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation, from Castlegar, BC,  has applied to the British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Resource  Stewardship (WLRS), Kootenay Boundary Region, for a Licence of Occupation.  This License pertains to a Communication Site situated on Provincial Crown  Land located in the vicinity of Edgewood.  WLRS invites comments on this application, the Lands File is 4406501.  Written comments concerning this application should be directed to  Sr. Authorization Specialist, WLRS, Kootenay Boundary Region, at  1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G1.  Comments will be received  by WLRS up to December 17,  2024. WLRS may not be able to  consider comments received  after this date. Visit the website  at for  more information.  Any response to this  advertisement will be considered  part of the public record. Access  to these records requires the  submission of a Freedom of  Information request. Visit  to learn more about  FOI submissions.
Legal Notice <br>IN ACCORDANCE WITH  Legal Notice  IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE  WAREHOUSE LIEN ACT,  Notice is given that D.R. Affleck  Holdings LTD DBA Peninsula Towing  INC located at 6678 Bertram Place will  sell at its premises on  December 12, 2024, by sealed bid the  following vehicles for the purpose of  satisfying the Warehouse Lien. Bids  close December 6th, 2024, at 11:00am    2006 TOYOTA SIENNA  VIN: 5TDZA29C76S464339.  Debtor: Xiang, Q  1985 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS  VIN: 2G3GM47HXF2323808  Debtor: White, B  2005 NISSAN ALTIMA  VIN: 1N4AL11E75C337742  Debtor: This Rides 4 U  Wheelchairs  2015 VW JETTA  VIN: 3VW2K7AJ0FM336091  Debtor: Tu, Y  2013 FORD ESCAPE  VIN: 1FMCU0F78DUC38825  Readings, T.
LEGAL NOTICE OF DISPOSITION <br>This  LEGAL NOTICE OF DISPOSITION  This is to notify anyone with a rightful claim to items abandoned at 169 - 15401  Kalamalka Rd, Coldstream BC. These Items previously belonged to RONALD MOORE  [tenant] and CARLA THALHOFER [tenant] and are currently in the possession of Scenic  Valley Trailer Park Ltd. [landlord] aka Lakeway Mobile Home Park.  The abandoned items include a rotten manufactured Home in very rough shape, Bed,  chairs, rotten Kitchen, rotten cooking tools and utensils, CD’s, Cassettes, clothing,  mirrors, Fridge, Stereo’s,  For more information, or to make a claim to the property in question, please see  contact below.  ”The items will be disposed of after 30 days of the notice being served or posted,  unless the person being notified takes the items, or establishes a right to the items, or  makes a dispute resolution application with the Residential Tenancy Branch, or makes  an application in Supreme Court to establish their rights to the items.”
LEGAL NOTICE OF DISPOSITION <br>This  LEGAL NOTICE OF DISPOSITION  This is to notify anyone with a rightful claim to items abandoned at 35 - 15401 Kalamalka  Rd, Coldstream BC. These Items previously belonged to MARIA AARTS [tenant], BURT  JOHN AARTS [tenant] and ANNETTE AARTS [tenant] and are currently in the possession  of Scenic Valley Trailer Park Ltd. [landlord] aka Lakeway Mobile Home Park.  The abandoned items include a rotten manufactured Home in very rough shape.  For more information, or to make a claim to the property in question, please see contact  below.  ”The items will be disposed of after 30 days of the notice being served or posted, unless  the person being notified takes the items, or establishes a right to the items, or makes  a dispute resolution application with the Residential Tenancy Branch, or makes an  application in Supreme Court to establish their rights to the items.”
Newly <br>Released <br>Procurement <br>Opportunities <br>Food  Newly  Released  Procurement  Opportunities  Food Concession  Services Shipyards  Park  RFP 2024-089  Closes January 31st,  2025  All current  procurement  opportunities are  available on our  Bonfire e-bidding  platform. This secure  system is free to  subscribers.  Dates are subject to  change without notice.  Register now at:  procurement
Newly <br>Released <br>Procurement <br>Opportunities <br>Owner’s  Newly  Released  Procurement  Opportunities  Owner’s Engineer  Robert Service  Way Escarpment  Stabilization Project  RFP 2024-094  Closes December 20,  2024  All current procurement  opportunities are  available on our Bonfire  e-bidding platform. This  secure system is free to  subscribers. Dates are  subject to change  without notice.  Register now at:  procurement
Notice of Blasting works <br>Kalesnikoff  Notice of Blasting works  Kalesnikoff Lumber will be blasting in the Merry Cr. area. Blasting  works will not affect any recreational users between 0km to  10km. Blasting will be ongoing from Nov.20 to Dec.15th, 2024  between the hours of 8:00Am and 3:00PM. Crews will do their  best to limit this disruption. The residents of Robson will likely be  most affected by the noise.  Kind Regards,  KLC Forestry Team.
NOTICE OF INTENT <br>to dispose  NOTICE OF INTENT  to dispose of or sell an  abandoned vehicle  2014 Ford F350 Blue Crew Cab  VIN #1FT8W3BT7BEC08862  Contact: 250-263-7499
NOTICE OF SALE <br>As per  NOTICE OF SALE  As per the Warehouseman’s Lien Act,  The Stor-It Place (2014) Corp. will  auction the following persons’ goods in  storage at 2504 - 43 Street, Vernon, BC.  Tel: 250-545-1000.    GT39 - Maddison Ouchi - $399.56  Items will be sold as is, where is.
NOTICE OF TAX SALE AND  NOTICE OF TAX SALE AND  REDEMPTION PERIOD  Please be advised that at the annual tax sale on October  7, 2024, the City of Trail sold a property for which Robert  Calvin Gregory is the registered owner. The City collector  has been unable to contact Mr. Gregory and understands  that Mr. Gregory is deceased, and the City collector hereby  provides notice of the October 7, 2024 tax sale of the  following property pursuant to section 657 of the Local  Government Act:  RE: ROLL: 232-003523.000  P.I.D.: 012-138-738  LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 7, BLOCK 2, PLAN NEP2551,  DISTRICT LOT4598, KOOTENAY LAND DISTRICT  PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3161 HIGHWAY DRIVE, TRAIL BC  Upset Price $9,640.65  This property can be redeemed by paying the above noted  Upset Price of $9,640.65 plus all other applicable amounts,  including daily interest, as per section 660(3) of the Local  Government Act.  The redemption period (i.e. the period allowed for  redemption) ends October 7, 2025, which is one year from  the tax sale of the property. If the property is not redeemed  by that date, the title of the property will be transferred to the  tax sale purchaser.  If you feel you have an interest in the above-mentioned  property or wish to redeem the property, please contact the  City of Trail Accounting Clerk, Shannon Einhorn at (250)  364-0820 or email    City Hall • 1394 Pine Avenue, Trail, BC, Canada V1R 4E6  Telephone: (250) 364-1262 • Fax: (250) 364-0830  Public Works • Telephone: (250) 364-0840  Fax: (250) 364-0830 • • eMail: