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Low Cost Lawn Care <br>  Low Cost Lawn Care
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Legal Notices 

259387.pdf  259387.pdf
Alberni Valley <br>Community Forest <br>Forest  Alberni Valley  Community Forest  Forest Operations Map  Public Consultation  The Alberni Valley Community Forest Corporation (AVCFC)  invites the public to review and comment on an online Forest  Operations Map (FOM).  The Alberni Valley Community Forest is located to the west of the  City of Port Alberni in the vicinity of Sproat Lake. The community  forest is comprised of two separate operating areas / forest  development units (FDU), the Sproat FDU and the Taylor FDU.  This FOM contains five cutblocks and related roads in the Sproat  FDU. A FOM is valid for the application of a cutting permit or  road permit for three years starting the date that the FOM review  and commenting period commences.  The FOM can be viewed by appointment at the AVCFC Office,  7500 Airport Rd, Port Alberni between Feb. 3rd and March 5th  2025. Please call 205 731 7377 to arrange a viewing time. The  FOM can also be viewed online at  public/projects.  Written comments must be received no later than March 5th and  can be sent to Mike Davis RPF,,  or mailed to the following address:  Alberni Valley Community Forest Corporation,  7500 Airport Rd, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 8Y9  For more information contact:  Chris Law RFT, AVCF Manager,, 250 731 7377  Mike Davis RPF, Planning Forester - Econ Consulting,, 250 218 7494
BigSteelBox Corp <br>4051 84 Ave  BigSteelBox Corp  4051 84 Ave NW,  Edmonton, AB,  Claims a PPSA Lien  Against  Hildebrand, Lee  Kelowna, BC    For arrears of container rent amounting  to $3,660.30, plus any additional costs of  storage that accrue. If not paid in full, the  contents of the storage container filled  with what we believe to be mattresses,  furniture, exercise equipment, boxes,  and other miscellaneous items will be  sold online auction via Ibid4Storage.  com on February 3, 2025.
FOR SALE <br>Per Auction: <br>1985  FOR SALE  Per Auction:  1985 Dodge Ram 2WHDR Truck  VIN 1B7JD24W2FS679396 of  Jeppesen Kenneth,  Owing $53,200.  Sale is at 7001 Uncha Lake Road,  Southbank, BC  on February 14, 2025 at 9:00 am.
Forest Planning and Practices Regulation  Forest Planning and Practices Regulation (FPPR):    Forest Operations Map  Matchlee Limited Partnership Ltd., holder of Non-Renewable  Forest Licences A95359, A95360, A95361, advertises Forest  Operations Map (FOM) submission ID 2123 under FPPR  division 3.1; to provide engagement opportunity for interested  members of the public, and community stake holders.  This FOM submission is available for review via the following  avenues:  1) At the Capacity Forest Management office located at 1761  Redwood Street, Campbell River, BC, V9W 3K7.  2) Viewable on the BC Government online portal:  Comments will be received via the following response  methods:  - In person, visiting the Capacity office during office hours  (8am – 5pm).  - By mail, sent to the Capacity office (address listed above).  - Via email, sent to  o Subject : ‘FOM ID 2123 – ‘Comment’  - Online, via the Government portal (address listed above).  Comment period for this notice will be 30 days, beginning  January 29th, 2024, and ending February 28th, 2024. Please  be advised that any comments to this advertisement will be  considered part of the public record.  This FOM ID is valid for 3 years for cutting and road permit  submissions starting at the beginning of the comment period.
LAND ACT: <br> <br>Notice of  LAND ACT:    Notice of Application for a Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that I, Tl’etinqox Government Economic Development  Corporation, from Williams Lake, BC, has applied to the British Columbia  Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS), Cariboo  Region, for a Crown Grant for Residential purpose situated on Provincial  Crown land located at Lot 1, District Lot 9184, Cariboo District Plan 9206  on Stum Lake Road.  WLRS invites comments on this application, the Lands File is 5408196.  Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the  Land Officer, Cariboo Region, WLRS up to 30 days from the date of this  notice. WLRS may not be able to consider comments received after this  date. Please visit the website at for more  information.  Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered  part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of  Information Advisor at the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource  Stewardship Office in the Cariboo Region of British Columbia.
LAND ACT: <br>Notice of Application  LAND ACT:  Notice of Application for a  Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that I, Skybrook Energy Inc.,  from Victoria BC have applied to the British  Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and  Resource Stewardship (WLRS), Thompson  Okanagan Region, for a solar Investigative  Licence situated on Provincial Crown land  located approximately 16 km northwest of  the Village of Cache Creek.  WLRS invites comments on this application.  The Lands File is 3413929. Written  comments concerning this application  should be directed to the Senior Land  Officer, Thompson Okanagan, WLRS at 441  Columbia St., Kamloops, BC, V2C 2T3.  Comments will be received by WLRS up  to April 1, 2025. WLRS may not be able to  consider comments received after this date.  Please visit the Applications, Comments  and Reasons for Decision Database website  at for more  information.  Be advised that any response to this  advertisement will be considered part of  the public record. Access to these records  requires the submission of a Freedom of  Information (FOI) request. Visit http:// to  learn more about FOI submissions.
LAND ACT: <br>Notice of Application  LAND ACT:  Notice of Application for a  Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that we, Enterprise  Renewables (2017) Ltd., from West  Vancouver, BC, have applied to the  British Columbia Ministry of Water,  Land and Resource Stewardship  (WLRS), Cariboo Region, for an  Investigative Licence for Solar Power  purpose situated on Provincial Crown  land located at 70 Mile House and  North of Chasm Park .  WLRS invites comments on this  application, the Lands Files are  5408142 and 5408143. Written  comments concerning this application  should be directed to the Land Officer,  Cariboo Region, WLRS up to 30 days  from the date of this notice. WLRS  may not be able to consider comments  received after this date. Please visit the  website at  for more information.  Be advised that any response to this  advertisement will be considered part  of the public record. For information,  contact the Freedom of Information  Advisor at Ministry of Water, Land and  Resource Stewardship Office in the  Cariboo Region of British Columbia.
LAND ACT: <br>Notice of Application  LAND ACT:  Notice of Application for  a Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that Wilp Si’ Satxw House of Purification  Society from Kitwanga, BC, have applied to the Ministry of  Water, Lands and Resource Stewardship (WLRS), Smithers,  for a Licence of Occupation for health facility situated  on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Seeley  Lake.  The Lands File for this application is 6409480. Please visit  the website at to view the  application and submit comments online. Alternatively,  written comments can be directed to the Senior  Authorizations Specialist, WLRS, at Bag 5000 – 3726 Alfred  Ave, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0. Comments will be received by  WLRS up to February 28, 2025. WLRS may not be able to  consider comments received after this date.  Be advised that any response to this advertisement will  be considered part of the public record. For information,  contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of  Water, Lands and Resource Stewardship Office in Smithers.
Legal Notice <br>WARE-HOUSE LIEN ACT,  Legal Notice  WARE-HOUSE LIEN ACT,  WESTSHORE TOWING LTD  WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING:    2017 Jeep Cherokee Sport  VIN# 1C4PJMAB4HW538910  Registered to Crystal Hallett &  Scotia Dealer Advantage Inc  1991 Toyota Camry Grey  VIN# JT2SV22F5M3465541  Registered to Amanda Price  2002 Nissan Sentra  VIN# 3N1CB51D72L595332  Registered to David Shebib  The sale will take place at 1247 Parkdale Dr,  Victoria, B.C. on Jan 29, 2024 @ 11am  For offers and info call 250-474-1369
LEGAL-NOTICE <br>TAKE NOTICE THAT; any  LEGAL-NOTICE  TAKE NOTICE THAT; any One with a prior, equal, or superior right,  interest, CONDUCT, treaty or Convention in/to/for/of the NAME  and property of: CHEYENNA DAWNE BERGEN and/or BERGEN,  CHEYENNA DAWNE Estate; in any style or variation thereof capable  to confuse, suspend or clog said NAME, Title and/or Estate is  hereby WARRANTED to present their said claim to Witness: Kurt  William, MACPHERSON. c/o: BOX 65, 400 S Railway Ave, Indian  Head SASKATCHEWAN, S0G 2K0 before expiration of twenty-eight  (28) days of the first publishing of this Notice.
NOTICE <br> <br>Notice of Minister’s  NOTICE    Notice of Minister’s intention to dispose of multiple vessels in 30 days  under section 39 of the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act  The following vessels are considered abandoned  28’ white SV beached near Amity Drive, North Saanich, B.C.  TC File – W2025-503527  16’ brown hull trimaran PV wrecked on west side James Island, B.C.  TC File – W2025-503525  26’ white algae covered SV on mooring at Willis Point, B.C.  TC File – W2024-503377  20’ green/white SV beached on west side James Island, B.C.  TC File – W2025-503508  “Welsh Lady” 28’ blue cabin boat PCL# O.N. 368858 moored in Brentwood Bay, B.C.  TC File – W2025-503521  Questions may be directed to, Transport Canada at or 604-775-8867.
Notice of Application <br>Confined Feeding  Notice of Application  Confined Feeding Operation    Jan van de Brake on behalf of Willem and Hendrikje van de Brake (Thornspyc Dairy Ltd.) has filed  Application RA24042 with the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) to obtain an approval to  expand an existing dairy operation on the SW 22-40-27 W4M in Lacombe County, Alberta. The application  is to permit an additional 150 milking cows (plus dries and replacements) for a total livestock capacity of  300 milking cows (plus dries and replacements). Also included in the application is the construction of a  solid bedding pack barn, a youngstock shed (addition and replacement of the existing facility), and an  addition to the existing youngstock pack shed.  The NRCB will also determine the grandfathered status of the CFO. The NRCB invites you to provide input  on the CFO’s livestock type, livestock capacity, and facilities as they existed on or around January 1, 2002.  Jan van de Brake (Thornspyc Dairy Ltd) has stated that its grandfathered livestock capacity is 150 milking  cows (plus dries and replacements).    Filing a Response    Any person who is directly affected by the application and the grandfathering determination may submit  a written response to the NRCB. The response must be received by the NRCB on or before 4:30 pm on  February 28, 2025. Submissions should be made to the NRCB address provided below. All attachments  sent electronically must be in a pdf format. A copy of the responses will be sent to the applicant for  comment. Responses regarding the application may be posted on the NRCB’s public website, as they are  public records and are non-confidential.  Your written response must include your name, the legal land description of your residence or landholdings,  mailing address, phone number, and email address. You must also explain how you are directly affected.  For further information please refer to the fact sheet “The Permitting Process for Confined Feeding  Operations in Alberta” at  Failure to submit a written response affects your right to apply for an NRCB Board review.    Viewing the Application    A complete copy of the application and supporting documents submitted by the applicant under the  Agricultural Operation Practices Act may be viewed on the NRCB website at (under Confined  Feeding Operations / Notice of Approval and Registration Applications). The application will also be  available for in-person viewing at the Red Deer office by appointment. If you require further information,  please contact the approval officer listed below.  Sarah Neff, Approval Officer  #303, 4920 – 51 Street  Red Deer, AB T4N 6K8  403-506-9613    The closing date for submissions:  4:30 pm on February 28, 2025  Dated at Red Deer, AB, on January 30, 2025
NOTICE OF CIVIL RESOLUTION <br>TRIBUNAL  NOTICE OF CIVIL RESOLUTION  TRIBUNAL DISPUTES  TO: the respondent, KERRY CHANG. This is your official notice that  Dispute VI-2024-006408 and Dispute VI-2024-006409 have been  started against you at the Civil Resolution Tribunal about injuries  sustained in a motor vehicle accident allegedly involving you on  July 29, 2020 in Nanaimo, British Columbia. Your whereabouts  being unknown, the Civil Resolution Tribunal ordered service  upon you by this advertisement.  If you wish to respond to these claims, the steps you must take  are set out on a Respondent Instructions form. A copy of the  Dispute Notices and Respondent Instructions form will be mailed  or emailed to you upon request to the Civil Resolution Tribunal at  1-844-322-2292.  If you do not file Dispute Responses with the Civil Resolution  Tribunal within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this  advertisement, you will not be entitled to further notice, and the  disputes may proceed without your participation.
Notice of Disposition of Land  Notice of Disposition of Land  Pursuant to Sections 285 and 286 of the Local Government Act,  Notice is hereby given that the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional  District (ACRD) intends to dispose of land via Lease Agreement  at the Long Beach Airport CYAZ in Tofino, BC, with the following:  Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada at Lot LSL2024002, 120 and 186 Airport Road for a term of five (5) years  commencing on April 1, 2024, and ending on March 31, 2029,  at a scaled rate of $74,080 in year 1, 85% of $100,106.70 in year  2, 95% of $100,106.70 in year 3, and $100,106.70 in year 4 and 5  plus GST and yearly BC CPI increases. The purpose of this lease  is for a maintenance and office building, and a storage building  and yard.  Any individual or corporation wishing to enter into a lease with  the Regional District for this property must submit, in writing,  their proposal and acceptance of all of the terms and conditions  as outlined in the lease agreement to the Regional District.  The proposal must be delivered to the Regional District, at the  address shown below, no later than 4:00 pm on January 30,  2025. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be considered.  This is not a call for tenders. No contractual or other obligation  will arise between the Regional District and any person that  responds to this Notice unless and until a written agreement  has been duly executed relating to an approved proposal. The  Regional District reserves the right in its absolute discretion  to accept or reject any proposal submitted in response to this  Notice.  For further details pertaining to the above noted lease please  contact ACRD Procurement at or  250-720-2700.
NOTICE OF DISPOSITION <br>The trailer  NOTICE OF DISPOSITION  The trailer of the late  Kevin Gollen #15 -6670 TCH NE,  Canoe, BC. Will be disposed of  unless claimed by February 23, by a  person who establishes legal  rights to it. Claims may be  made via 250-851-5747
NOTICE OF INTENT <br> <br>RE:  NOTICE OF INTENT    RE: LIQUOR CONTROL AND LICENSING ACT  APPLICATION FOR A RURAL LICENSEE RETAIL STORE    Application for a rural licensee retail store (RLRS) has been received  by the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch from Sea Store  located at Cinnemousun Narrows on Shuswap Lake. An RLRS licence  authorizes the sale of packaged liquor for off premise consumption  in a full- service general grocery store between the hours of 9am11pm daily. Residents located within a 10 km radius of the proposed  site may comment on this proposal by:  1) Writing to:  THE GENERAL MANAGER C/O LICENSING ANALYST  LIQUOR AND CANNABIS REGULATION BRANCH  PO BOX 9292, VICTORIA, BC V8W 9J8  2) Email to:  PETITIONS AND FORM LETTERS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED  To ensure the consideration of your views, your comments, name  and address must be received on or before February 27, 2025. Please  note that your comments may be made available to the applicant  or local government officials where disclosure is necessary to  administer the licensing process.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC <br>HEARING <br>  NOTICE OF PUBLIC  HEARING    The District of 100 Mile House will hold a Public  Hearing at the 100 Mile House Community Hall,  located at 265 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House, on  Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. to consider  Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1439, 2025. The  purpose of the amendment bylaw is to amend  District of 100 Mile House Zoning Bylaw No. 1290,  2016.  Subject Property: Lot 19, Plan 28704,  DL 2136, Lillooet District, also known as  721 Cariboo Trail.  The proposed bylaw amendment is to:  • Add a definition for “specialized home support  services”  • Add ‘specialized home support services” as a  principal permitted use on the subject property    ghley Pl    Cariboo T  ra    il    Bu r    ±    721    Ma r ks Dr    The proposed bylaw may be inspected during  normal working hours in the Municipal Office,  385 Birch Avenue until 4:00 p.m. Feb. 4, 2025.  If you deem your interests to be affected by this  bylaw, please submit your comments in writing or  attend the Public Hearing and you will be given an  opportunity to be heard.  If you require information regarding this bylaw,  please contact the undersigned at 250-395-2434.  Joanne Doddridge  Director of Economic Development and Planning
Notice of Seizure <br>This notice  Notice of Seizure  This notice is regarding the seizure of the following;  2003 Dodge 1500 Pickup, VIN 1D7HA16N83J530469,  owned by Paul Paulinus Billyboy. The vehicle is being  seized by Jack Juusola Sales Ltd of Canadian Tire located  at 1441 Hillside Dr, Kamloops BC V2E 1A9 due to debt  owed of $11715.13. The date of seizure is Feb 10, 2025.  Contact is Jack Juusola 250-318-4419
Notice to Creditors <br> <br>Anyone  Notice to Creditors    Anyone having claims against  the Estate of the Deceased,  Sheldon Aubee  of Maple Ridge, are hereby  required to send particulars  thereof to the Administrator c/o  Deanne Aubee at  on or before March 3, 2025
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS AND <br>CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS AND  CLAIMANTS  Estate of  BARRY DEANE MARK WASYLYSZYN  who died on SEP 7, 2023  If you have a claim against this  estate, you must file your claim by  MAR 7, 2025 with WEST LEGAL  #1200, 10201 Southport Road SW  Calgary, Alberta T2W 4X9  Attn: ANGELA L. YEE-HAMSHAW  If you do not file by the date above, the  estate property can lawfully be distributed  without regard to any claim you may have.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND <br>CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND  CLAIMANTS  Estate of Daniel Ray Myers, who died  on January 5, 2025  If you have a claim against this estate,  you must file your claim by March 10,  2025, and provide details of your claim  to: Doyle Rivet, Barristers & Solicitors,  Attn: Eron M. Doyle, at 121, 5301 – 43  Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 1C8.  If you do not file by the date above,  the estate property can lawfully be  distributed without regard to any claim  you may have.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of KENNETH MERLE SCHAFER  aka KENNETH SCHAFER  who died on OCTOBER 10, 2024  If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim  by March 10, 2025  with    ARON V. ROBERTSON  of MHR LAW LLP    at    #1, 5401 - 49 AVENUE, OLDS, AB, T4H 1G3    If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can  lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of Phyllis Marjorie Lacina,  who died October 2, 2024.    If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim  by the 28th day of February 2025,  with    Rouillard Law Office    at    101, 37 Beju Industrial Drive,  Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S 0K9    and provide the details of your claim.  If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can  lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim your may  have.
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS <br>AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS  AND CLAIMANTS  IN THE MATTER OF THE  ESTATE OF    ALLAN FREDERICK  FOSTER DECEASED  of Whitehorse, Yukon  who died on October 10,  2024. All persons having  claims against the above  mentioned Estate are  requested to file a claim,  supported by Statutory  Declaration, with Arthur  Mauro, on or before  August 7, 2025, after which  date the Estate will be  distributed having reference  only to claims which have  been so filed.  All persons indebted to the  Estate are requested to make  immediate payment to:  Austring, Fairman & Fekete  Attention: Arthur Mauro  Barristers and Solicitors  3081 Third Avenue  Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4Z7