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Legal Notices 

Notice to Remove Private Land  Notice to Remove Private Land from W1909  Please be advised that Leigh & Dennis Swanson, Licensees of  Woodlot 1909, are proposing to remove 12 hectares of their private  land from Woodlot 1909. The land includes Lot 1, Plan VIP 77459,  Section 19, and Lot 2, Plan VIP 77459, Section 19, Malcolm Island.  Inquiries and comments to this proposal from persons materially  impacted may be submitted by March 10, 2025 to Leigh and Dennis  Swanson, Box 350, Sointula, BC, V0N 3E0. Written inquiries received  by the above date will be responded to. Information about this  proposal may also be obtained by contacting Dennis Swanson at  250 230 1909.
NOTICE: This is to inform  NOTICE: This is to inform Darrel  Cutforth (10x20 heated unit),  located at Coombs Island Self  Storage, 990 Shearme RD,  Coombs, BC, that the household  goods stored there will be sold  unless the outstanding storage  fees are paid in full by 9:00 AM on  February 27th.
PLACER LEASE APPLICATION <br>Take notice  PLACER LEASE APPLICATION  Take notice that QF Placer Gold Ltd., 902 – 6888 Cooney Road,  Richmond, BC V6Y 0E1, client number 279772, has applied  to the Chief Gold Commissioner for the Province of British  Columbia, for a placer lease identified by the placer claims  listed below. The following placer claims are subject to the  placer lease application:  •  Title Numbers 388688 and 388689  •  Mineral Titles Map Number 093A.062  •  Cariboo Land District  Posted at the Chief Gold Commissioner’s office in Vancouver,  British Columbia, this 27 day of January 2025.
PUBLIC NOTICE <br> <br>Stamm Dairy  PUBLIC NOTICE    Stamm Dairy Ltd.  WATER ACT  NOTICE OF APPLICATION  Notice is given that Stamm Dairy Ltd. has filed an application under  the provisions of the Water Act for Licence to divert 10,597 cubic  metres of groundwater annually from a well located at NE 09-04327-W4 for the purposes of Agricultural (Confined Feeding Operation).  Point of use is NE 09-043-27-W4. The production interval of the well is  from 49.4 to 61.6 m.  Any person who is directly affected by this application may submit a  Statement of Concern within 30 days of the date of this notice.  To submit a Statement of Concern, sign in to the Digital Regulatory  Assurance System (DRAS) using a account or  account for Organizations.  • DRAS webpage -  o To sign up for an account or account for  Organizations see How to access DRAS on the above DRAS webpage.  Alternatively, you may submit a written Statement of Concern to  Environment and Protected Areas, Approvals Unit, 5th Floor, South  Petroleum Plaza, 9915 108 Street, Edmonton, AB T5K 2G8  The written statement of concern should include the following:  • Quote the Case number: DAPP0112435  • Describe concerns that are relevant to matters regulated by the  Water Act  • Explain how the filer of the concern will be directly affected by  the activity and/or diversion of water proposed in the application  • Provide the legal land location of the land owned or used by the  filer where the concerns described are believed to be applicable  • State the distance between the land owned or used by the filer  and the site in the application  • Contact information including the full name and mailing address of  the filer. Please provide the telephone number and email address for  ease of contact.  Environment and Protrected Areas will review each written Statement  of Concern, seek more information if needed, and notify each filer by  letter of the decision to accept or reject their written submission as a  valid Statement of Concern.  Statements of Concern submitted regarding this application are public  records which are accessible by the public and the applicant. Failure  to file a Statement of Concern may affect the right to file a Notice of  Appeal with the Environmental Appeals Board.  A copy of the application and additional information can be obtained  from:  Ken Hugo, Arletta Environmental Consulting Corp  Phone 403-650-8511  Email:
PUBLIC NOTICE <br>Amendment to Land  PUBLIC NOTICE  Amendment to Land Use By-Law 7-08-LU  The Council of Ponoka County has been asked by Don & Shannon Froese to  amend Land Use By-Law 7-08-LU as follows:  Reclassify Pt. E ½ NW 10-43-28-W4 from Agricultural District to Country  Residential District to allow for future subdivision of the existing yard site –  approximately 2.5 acres.  Before considering the by-law, Council will hold a Public Hearing at which any  person claiming to be affected may ask questions or make comments. This  hearing is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 in the  Council Chambers of the County Administration Building. You may forward your  comments/concerns prior to the meeting by phone, fax or email as noted below.  A copy of the proposed by-law may be inspected at the County Administration  Building, Ponoka, Alberta during regular office hours.    Peter Hall  Chief Administrative Officer  Ponoka County  4205 - Highway #2A  PONOKA, Alberta T4J 1V9  Phone: 783-3333  Fax: 783-6965  e-mail:
PUBLIC <br>NOTICE <br>Notice of Disposition  PUBLIC  NOTICE  Notice of Disposition  of Property  In accordance with sections 26 and  94 of the Community Charter, the  Town of Comox gives notice that it  intends to consider the disposition  of a portion of Town property as  follows:  Civic Address: 1729B Comox Avenue  Legal Description: Portion of Lot A,  Plan VIP31594, Section 56, Comox  Land District  Size of Premises: 149 square metres  Organization to Acquire Premises:  Dr. Thomas C. Woods Inc.  Nature of the Disposition: Lease  Term of Disposition: January 1,  2025, to December 31, 2029  Consideration to be Received:  $167,979  Any inquiries concerning the  proposed lease should be sent by  email to or call  250-339-2202.
PUBLIC NOTICE <br>TAKE NOTICE THAT;  PUBLIC NOTICE  TAKE NOTICE THAT; any One with a prior,  equal, or superior right, interest, CONDUCT,  treaty or Convention in/to/for/of the  NAME and property of: MIGUEL MAURICIO  VILLAMIL BARRIOS and/or VILLAMIL  BARRIOS, MIGUEL MAURICIO Estate; in  any style or variation thereof capable to  confuse, suspend or clog said NAME, Title  and/or Estate is hereby WARRANTED to  present their said claim to Witness: Paul  Ronald, Edwards c/o: PO BOX 1006  6028 Spartan Street, Oliver, BC V0H 1T0  before expiration of twenty-eight (28) days  of the first publishing of this Notice.
Residential Tenancy Branch <br>Furniture and  Residential Tenancy Branch  Furniture and household goods left behind by Herbert Wayne  Palmer on rented premises at 101-2541 Dingwall Street,  Duncan, BC V9L 2Y8 are being stored until February 21, 2025.  There is presently an amount owing for additional costs of  storage, sale and disposal. The items will be disposed of after  30 days of the notice being served or posted, unless the  person being notified takes the items, or establishes a right  to the items, or makes a dispute resolution application with  the Residential Tenancy Branch, or makes an application in  Supreme Court to establish their rights to the items. For more  information contact the Landlord at 102 – 2541 Dingwall  Street, Duncan, BC V9L 2Y8
TAKE NOTICE THAT; any One  TAKE NOTICE THAT; any One with a prior, equal, or superior  right, interest, CONDUCT, treaty or Convention in/to/for/of  the NAME and property of: CHRISTOPHER GERALD CONRON  DALLOW and/or DALLOW, CHRISTOPHER GERALD CONRON  Estate; in any style or variation thereof capable to confuse,  suspend or clog said NAME, Title and/or Estate is hereby  WARRANTED to present their said claim to Witness: Eric  Christopher, STUTZMAN. c/o: 11027 112 Ave, Fort St John  BRITISH COLUMBIA, V1J0R6 before expiration of twentyeight (28) days of the first publishing of this Notice
THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY  THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF GREENWOOD  NOTICE OF TEMPORARY USE PERMIT APPLICATION  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Greenwood has received an application for a Temporary Use Permit to allow  The property owners to reside in a recreational vehicle (RV) on their property while their residence is constructed. The  property is located at 355 Government Avenue in Greenwood, BC. Council will be considering the permit at a regular  meeting at 7:00 pm on February 24th, 2025.  Property Location Civic Address: 355 North Government Ave Legal  Description: Lot A, District Lot 711, SDYD, Plan EPP141358  City of Greenwood Zone: R1 – Residential 1 Zone (Single and Two  Family)  You are encouraged to provide your written feedback by email to The deadline to provide feedback is  12:00 pm, February 19th, 2025.  Upon request, an information package containing the draft permit  will be available at City Hall during office hours, Tuesday to Friday,  from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. You may request a digital copy of the  package by sending a request to  For further information, please contact City Hall at 250-445- 6644.
TimberWest Forest Corp. <br>Quadra –  TimberWest Forest Corp.  Quadra – Quinsam Forest  Stewardship Plan  Mosaic Forest Management (Mosaic), on behalf of TimberWest Forest Corp., North Island Operation, gives  notice and invites written comment on a proposed amendment to the approved Quadra-Quinsam Forest  Stewardship Plan (FSP). The purpose of this amendment is to update the strategy related to the Order  Establishing Provincial Non-Spatial Old Growth Objectives. The amended strategy will describe how the full  target amount of old forest will be achieved in the Quadra Landscape Unit.  In accordance with FRPA Section 18 and Forest Planning and Practices Regulation Section 20, the proposed  FSP amendment is available for public review and comment for a 60-day period, from February 21, 2025  to April 22, 2025. The proposed FSP amendment may be revised as a result of written comments received  during the public review and comment period.  The proposed FSP amendment will be available for review at the following location, dates and time. To  ensure a representative from Mosaic is available to discuss the proposed amendment any interested  parties should phone in advance to arrange an appointment. If any interested parties are unable to review  the proposed FSP amendment during these times, arrangements can be made to view the plan at a time  of mutual convenience.  Location    Date    Mosaic Forest Management  4475 N. Island Highway  Campbell River, B.C.    Time    February 21, 2025 to April 22, 2025  Weekdays, excluding Holidays    9:00 am – 12:00 pm and  1:00 to 4:00 pm    The FSP may be viewed online at the following website:  Written comments related to the  proposed FSP amendment must  be received no later than April  22, 2025. If you wish to make  an appointment to discuss the  proposed FSP amendment in more  detail or provide written comments,  please contact or address all  comments to:    Woods Bay    ! Chonat Bay  (  (  !  DLS    DLS    Quadra North  19    V  U    (  !    North Kanish    DLS    (  !  DLS    Quadra South    TimberWest  Johnstone Strait Operation    (  !    NILS    DLS    sc  Di    February 17, 2025    ov    (  !    Dry Land Sort    Sutil Channel    sa    DLS    as    yP    ge    (  !    Gowlland    DLS    er    Operating Area  Quadra North  Quadra South    ¹    Quinsam  0    5    10    (  Campbell River !    20  Kilometres  28  V  U    V  U    Quinsam    19    Jennifer Peschke, RPF  Area Forester,  Mosaic Forest Management  Box 2800  Campbell River, B.C. V9W 5C5  e-mail:  phone: (250) 716-3722    South Kanish
Twin River <br>Estates Notice <br>Twin  Twin River  Estates Notice  Twin River Estates, Terrace BC, wish to  remind Applicants they must contact  the Society office at least once a year to  confirm their continued interest and keep  contact information accurate.  Should a unit become available and the  Applicant cannot be reached with their  information on file, they will be removed  from the wait list.  Application updates may be made by  an office visit the last Thursday of every  month, 2pm to 4 pm or by email to
Warehouse Lien Act <br>2012 Western  Warehouse Lien Act  2012 Western Star  VIN-5KKPALDRXCPB2971  Tyler Hubner  5006 Bush Road, Port Alberni BC V9Y 8V5  Total owing to Alberni Towing $52,714.05
Warehouse Lien Act <br>Registered Owner/Company:  Warehouse Lien Act  Registered Owner/Company: Ishmal Tasse  Totaling :$5520.70  Transaction date at Four Wheel Truck Repair  Ltd. : 11-07-2024  Date of sale: March 6, 2025 at Four Wheel  Truck Repair Ltd. Nanaimo BC  Vehicle Info  2011 Ford F-350 Super Duty Lariat Crew  Cab Pickup  VIN:1FT8W3BT7BEC83156
Warehouse Lien <br>Maple Bay Marina  Warehouse Lien  Maple Bay Marina of Duncan, BC herby gives notice to the public  that the 42’ Bayliner power vessel that bears the name “Kingfisher”  belonging to and deposited by Kevin Millward, will be sold by public  silent auction pursuant to the Warehouse Lien Act RSBC 1996, c.480.  Vessel may be viewed at Maple Bay Marina, sealed bids may be  submitted in confidence to Maple Bay Marina, before 3 PM on the  12th of March, 2025. Maple Bay Marina is located at 6145 Genoa Bay  Road, Duncan, B.C. V9L 5T7  Minimum bid $10000.00
Warehouse Liens Sale <br>Notice to:  Warehouse Liens Sale  Notice to:  PEREZ XENA, 2020 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE VIN#JA4AT3AA3LZ601255 Totaling $2150.28  SHELDON BRANDON, 2001 GMC JIMMY VIN#1GKDT13W312208771 Totaling $347.52  MCRORY DONALD, 2007 CHRYSLER 300 VIN#2C3KA53G87H692014 Totaling $999.12  MICHELIN-SOLOWAN DWHYTE, 2009 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF VIN#9BWEL41J294017728  Totaling $572.70  DEMAIN RUZELL, 2005 FORD F150 VIN#1FTPX14525NB34606 Totaling $347.52  LINDAL MARK, 2004 FORD EXPEDITION VIN#1FMFU18L74LB90463 Totaling $456.12  WALLACE ANGELA, 1981 GMC SECURITY VIN#2GDGG31M3B4510695 Totaling $1086.00  CRAIG MAJOR, 2003 CHRYSLER SEBRING VIN# 1C3EL46R53N558108 Totaling $586.44  ROHNE DANIEL, 2001 CHEVROLET ASTRO VIN#1GNEL19W81B153930 Totaling $586.44  MANNING AREL, 2004 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER VIN#3C8FY68804T233562 Totaling $1030.86  ABUAWAD MAHMOUD, 2004 TOYOTA ECHO VIN#JTDJT123240059145 Totaling $847.08  MELNITCHI MELISSA, 2012 DODGE JOURNEY VIN#3C4PDCCG5CT304686 Totaling $847.08  ROBINSON JANIS, 2004 FORD F250 VIN#1FTNX21L64ED79956 Totaling $933.96  IMPACT REINFORCING LTD., 2008 RAM 1500 VIN#1D7HU18278S610406 Totaling $955.68  BURTON JAMES, 2001 MERCEDES M SERIES VIN#4JGAB54E11A239999 Totaling $1679.92  PYWELL TEKARRA, 2008 PONTIAC G6 VIN#1G2ZG57N084233208 Totaling $999.12  PETER JUDY, 2004 HONDA CIVIC VIN#1HGEM21584L805394 Totaling $1947.18  LINKA, CRYSTAL, 1986 HONDA ELITE 80 VIN#JH2HF0304GS101173 Totaling $955.68  ALLARDYCE MATTHEW, 1991 UBILT TRAILER VIN#NIL Totaling $1151.16  WILSON TANIA, 1984 FORD F250 VIN#2FTEF26Y0EC800709 Totaling $2939.86  SKOGSTAD EDDY, 1998 JEEP CHEROKEE VIN#1J4FJ68S6WL259156 Totaling $238.92  GLASER JERRITT, 2008 JEEP PATRIOT VIN#1J8FT28W18D700953 Totaling $868.80  MAYNARD TAMMY, 2002 DODGE CARAVAN VIN#1B4GP25R82B722138 Totaling $999.12  Amounts above owing are as of January 23RD, 2025.  The above vehicles can be bid on by appointment at Mid Island Towing & Transport Ltd.  4900 Jordan Ave. Nanaimo B.C. to recover our fees for towing, storage, administration,  legal and taxes.  Bidding Closes February 27th, 2025 at 8am.  Storage charged daily until vehicle paid for and removed.  Neither the highest nor any bid not necessarily accepted
Warehouseman’s Lien Act <br>Under the  Warehouseman’s Lien Act  Under the terms of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, goods and  personal property of the person/s listed below and stored at  Glacier Self Storage, 1697 Ryan Road East, Comox BC, have  been seized and will be sold on or after March 5th, 2025, to  recover the cost of unpaid storage rent.  Tammy Allnut    $1,126.00    Terri McCharles    $1,569.52
Warehouseman’s Lien Act <br>Under the  Warehouseman’s Lien Act  Under the terms of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, goods and  personal property of the persons listed below, and deposited  at TC Storage, 6767 Trans Canada Highway, Duncan BC, have  been seized and will be sold on, or after February27th, 2025  to recover the cost for unpaid storage.  James Skillings    $348.80    Richard Smith    $805.55


ALBERTA PRIME BEEF CORP <br>Box  ALBERTA PRIME BEEF CORP  Box 419 Picture Butte, AB T0K 1V0    ORDER BUYERS    Located in the Heart of Alberta’s Cattle Feeding Industry. Whether Buying or Selling,  Feeders, Fats, Cull Cows, call us for your livestock marketing needs including Internet.  We specialize in marketing, cattle contracting, and custom feeding. We also offer a  convenient custom weight facility and truck wash.    403-732-5644  Visit us on our website:  e-mail  Our affiliated company, ALBERTA PRIME TRANSPORT LTD.,  offers tri-axle livestock trailers & quad trailers to meet all your livestock needs.  Our drivers are licensed, well-experienced professionals.  We pick-up and deliver in 4 provinces and 11 U.S. states.  ANDY HOUWELING: 403-308-8700 (CELL) • BRETT HOUWELING: 403-382-7827 (CELL)  BRENT DAWSON - DISPATCH: 403-382-0716 (CELL) • CONRAD WITHAGE: 403-892-0728 [CELL]  COLE WITHAGE - 403-894-9260 [CELL] • WADE WITHAGE 403-634-9281
Two Year Old & Yearling  Two Year Old & Yearling  Red & Black Angus Bulls  For Sale  At the Ranch  Mike: 403-394-4903 | Lane: 403-308-4131  P.O. Box 997, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 4A2 Canada  Email:

Merchandise for Sale 

Burial plots at Valley View Cemetery - 7 adjacent plots available. Each can hold 1 casket & 4 urns. $6500 each. 604-536-8134
LIL MULE LOGGING INC. Buying timber in your area again. Prices are up! We are looking for: Spruce, Pine, Tamarack and Poplar. Minimum 20 acres .Call Shawn 403-318-4346.
LIL MULE LOGGING INC. Buying timber in your area again. Prices are up! We are looking for: Spruce, Pine, Tamarack and Poplar. Minimum 20 acres .Call Shawn 403-318-4346.
LIL MULE LOGGING INC. Buying timber in your area again. Prices are up! We are looking for: Spruce, Pine, Tamarack and Poplar. Minimum 20 acres .Call Shawn 403-318-4346.
LIL MULE LOGGING INC. Buying timber in your area again. Prices are up! We are looking for: Spruce, Pine, Tamarack and Poplar. Minimum 20 acres .Call Shawn 403-318-4346.
Split, Dry, Full Cord Includes Delivery.Birch $625, Spruce$400, Poplar $350780-233-5932or 780-985-2285
Split, Dry, Full Cord Includes Delivery.Birch $625, Spruce$400, Poplar $350780-233-5932or 780-985-2285

Mind Body Spirit 

For the best relaxation massage. Afternoons / Evenings. 250-912-0006 250-667-1920
For the best relaxation massage. Afternoons / Evenings. 250-912-0006 250-667-1920

Misc Services