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The BEST 1 listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

The BEST 1 listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

Lawn and Garden 

Low Cost Lawn Care <br>  Low Cost Lawn Care
R.G. HandyLandscaper Over 15 Years  R.G. HandyLandscaper Over 15 Years Experience Yard Maintenance, Clean Up, Pruning, Weeding & More. Call Robert 604-504-1559 or text only to: 604-300-5770
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THE MOSS MAN28th year!Chemical Free Roof DemossingGutter Cleaning Window Washing Darren 778-352-3315Free Estimates!
Trevor's Lawn Cutting • Lawn Cutting • Leaf Raking • Fertilizing • Stump Grinding • Small Tree Removal • Empty Lot Clean-up Now taking on new Clients! WCB insured. 250-490-0058
We sell incredible Robotic Lawn  We sell incredible Robotic Lawn Mowers - a size for every lawn. Trimming & Pruning Time to clean up now for a nicer yard in the Spring Gutter Cleaning 15% off prebooked hedge trimming Ask about our 3rd party verified drought resistant grass seed WE DO IT ALL 604-799-1389

Legal Notices 

1981 Ford F250 <br>For Sale  1981 Ford F250  For Sale $4000  2 wheel drive with 40,108 kms.  VIN: 2FTFF26E3BCB15789  Vehicle has been seized under  the Repairer’s Lien Act from  Sandra Sillito with an owing  debt of $3104.74  Please call 236-712-2932 Ext 1
Box 280 (5031 - 50  Box 280 (5031 - 50 St.)  Stettler, AB T0C 2L0  Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the  Municipal Government Act, the Town of Stettler will offer  for sale,by public auction,in the Town of Stettler Municipal  Office, 5031 – 50 Street, Stettler, Alberta on Tuesday,  November 19, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. the following lands:  Legal Description    C of T    Lot 1, Block 2, Plan 260TR  032247041  Excepting thereout all mines and minerals  Lot -, Block 2, Plan 1088RS  042141494  Excepting thereout all mines and minerals  Lot 3, Block 7, Plan 7621217  162107493  Excepting thereout all mines and minerals  Lot 17, Block 72, Plan 6850KS  202043895  Excepting thereout all mines and minerals  Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid,  and to the reservations and conditions contained in the  existing certificate of title.  The land is being offered for sale on an “as is, where is”  basis, and the Town of Stettler makes no representation  and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy  of services, soil conditions, land use districting, building  and development conditions, absence or presence of  environmental contamination, or the developability of the  subject land for any intended use by the purchaser.  No bid will be accepted where the bidder attempts to  attach conditions precedent to the sale of any parcel.  No terms and conditions of sale will be considered, other  than those specified by the Town. No further information is  available at the auction regarding the land to be sold.  Terms: Cash or Certified Cheque  The Town of Stettler may, after the public auction, become  the owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the  public auction.  Redemption may be affected by payment of all arrears of  taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.  Dated at Stettler, Alberta, November 1, 2024.  Kim Hymers  Assistant Chief Administrative Officer
Chinook Community <br>Forest – Operations  Chinook Community  Forest – Operations Map  October 2024  In accordance with the Forst Range and Practices Act, the public  is invited to review and comment on Chinook Comfor’s Forest  Operations Map (FOM) for areas within the Nadina Timber  Supply Area.  The FOM is valid for 3 years and shows areas proposed for cut  block and road development for salvage of the 2023 Wildfires.  The FOM may be relied upon for permits to harvest a cutblock or  construct a road.  We welcome your comments and feedback during the review  period starting November 1st, 2024. Please submit your  comments by November 30th, 2024.  The map is accessible for review online:  or www.chinookcomfor/news  Email comments to:  View the FOM during regular office hours:  Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  Chinook Comfor Office  485 Highway 16, Burns Lake  For an in-person review and comment, book an appointment by  calling Ken Nielsen, General Manager at: 1-250-692-6823  or by email:  Chinook Community Forest 485 Highway 16, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0  Telephone 250-692-6823 Email
CITY OF TERRACE <br>NOTICE OF  CITY OF TERRACE  NOTICE OF PUBLIC    HEARING ZONING  BYLAW AMENDMENT  TAKE NOTICE THAT application has been made to amend Schedule  “B” (Zoning Map) of Zoning Bylaw No. 2069-2014.  THE SUBJECT LAND:  The application affects the land, within the City of Terrace, shown  hatched on the accompanying map and described as:  Lot A, District Lot 362, Range 5, Coast District,  Plan BCP47524 Except Plan BCP48353  [3304 Munroe Street]  Schedule ‘B’ Map    THE INTENT:  To amend Schedule “B” (Zoning Map) of Zoning Bylaw 2069-2014  by changing the zoning classification for the portion of the subject  land shown hatched and in bold outline on the accompanying map:  FROM:    R1 (Low Density Residential)    TO:    R4 (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential)    PURPOSE:  To permit a future subdivision and a multi-family townhouse project.  BYLAW INSPECTION:  THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT BYLAW AND RELEVANT  BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS MAY BE INSPECTED at the City of  Terrace Public Works Building at 5003 Graham Avenue, Terrace, B.C.,  between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day from Friday,  November 1, 2024 to Tuesday, November 12, 2024 excluding  Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays. For enquiries concerning  this application contact the Planning Department at 250-615-4022.  PUBLIC HEARING DETAILS:  Any persons wishing to voice their opinions regarding this application  may do so in writing, and/or in person, AT THE PUBLIC HEARING TO  BE HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, AT 7:00 P.M. ON  TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2024.  WAYS TO PARTICIPATE:  Written submissions (must be submitted by 11 A.M. on Tuesday,  November 12, 2024) - via email at  or by letter, mailed or delivered to: 5003 Graham Avenue, Terrace,  B.C., V8G 1B3.  In person - Public Attendance in Council Chambers is welcome but  limited and we encourage those able to attend virtually to do so.  Electronic Participation - Join the meeting via the Microsoft Teams  platform through a computer or mobile device. To learn more, see  or call 250-638-4712.  Telephone Participation - Join by phone: 1-437-703-4645. Phone  Conference ID: 631 927 590# Long distance charges might apply.  Note: Public Hearings are available to watch through our website  or  www.facebook.  com/CityofTerrace More information on all participation options is  available at  THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL  GOVERNMENT ACT, R.S.B.C., 2015, AND AMENDMENTS  THERETO.
CITY OF TERRACE <br>NOTICE OF  CITY OF TERRACE  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING    OFFICIAL COMMUNITY  PLAN AMENDMENT    TAKE NOTICE THAT application has been made to amend Schedule ‘B’ (Future Land  Use) and Schedule ‘C’ (Development Permit Areas) of the City of Terrace Official  Community Plan Bylaw No. 2142-2018.  THE SUBJECT LAND:  The application affects those portions of the lands, within the City of Terrace, shown  hatched on the accompanying map and described as:  Lot A, District Lot 362, Range 5, Coast District, Plan BCP47524 Except Plan  BCP48353 [3304 Munroe Street]    THE INTENT:  1.0    2.0    To amend Schedule ‘B ‘ (Future Land Use) of the Official Community  Plan by changing the designation of a portion of the subject land  shown as hatched on the accompanying map:  FROM:  Neighbourhood Residential  TO:  Urban Residential  To amend Schedule ‘C’ (Development Permit Areas) of the Official  Community Plan by designating a portion of the subject land as  shown hatched on the accompanying map, as Development Permit  Area No. 7 - Multi-Family.    PURPOSE:  To permit a future subdivision and a multi-family townhouse project.  BYLAW INSPECTION:  THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT BYLAW AND RELEVANT BACKGROUND  DOCUMENTS MAY BE INSPECTED at the City of Terrace Public Works Building  at 5003 Graham Avenue, Terrace, B.C., between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00  p.m. each day from Friday, November 1, 2024 to Tuesday, November  12, 2024 excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays. For enquiries  concerning this application contact the Planning Department at 250-615-4022.  PUBLIC HEARING DETAILS:  Any persons wishing to voice their opinions regarding this application may do  so in writing, and/or in person, AT THE PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD IN  THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, AT 7:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY,  NOVEMBER 12, 2024.  WAYS TO PARTICIPATE:  Written submissions (must be submitted by 11 A.M. on Tuesday,  November 12, 2024) - via email at or by letter,  mailed or delivered to: 5003 Graham Avenue, Terrace, B.C., V8G 183.  In person - Public Attendance in Council Chambers is welcome but limited and we  encourage those able to attend virtually to do so.  Electronic Participation - Join the meeting via the Microsoft Teams platform  through a computer or mobile device. To learn more, see  or call 250-638-4712.  Telephone Participation - Join by phone: 1-437-703-4645. Phone Conference  ID: 631 927 590# Long distance charges might apply.  Note: Public Hearings are available to watch through our website or  More information on all participation options is available at  THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT,  R.S.B.C., 2015, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO.
DISTRICT OF <br>HOUSTON <br> <br>NOTICE  DISTRICT OF  HOUSTON    NOTICE OF  DISPOSITION OF  LAND    Pursuant to section 26(3) of the Community  Charter, notice is hereby given that the  District of Houston intends to lease the  Community Hall located on the land legally  described as Lot 7, District Lot 619, Plan 1347  to the Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society  for a term commencing on January 1, 2025  and expiring on July 31, 2026:  In consideration of $1.00 per year, the lease  will grant the lessee the sole right of access  to Room 102 in the Community Hall for  each year of the lease in order to operate a  childcare facility.  For more information, please contact:  Karen Hogstead, Director of Corporate  Services or at (250) 845-2238
LAND ACT: <br>Notice of Application  LAND ACT:  Notice of Application for a  Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that I/We, Jake Jay Construction Ltd., from  Revelstoke, BC, have applied to the British Columbia Ministry  of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS), Kootenay  Boundary Region, for a Licence for Sand and Gravel situated  on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Jordan  River.  WLRS invites comments on this application. The Lands File  is 4406027. Written comments concerning this application  should be directed to the Senior Authorization Specialist,  WLRS, Kootenay Boundary Region, at 1902 Theatre Road,  Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G1. Comments will be received by WLRS  up to December 11, 2024. WLRS may not be able to consider  comments received after this date. Please visit the website at for more information.  Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be  considered part of the public record. Access to these records  requires the submission of a Freedom of Information (FOI)  request. Visit  to learn more about FOI submissions.    Jordan Pit    Revelstoke
LAND ACT: NOTICE OF <br>APPLICATION  LAND ACT: NOTICE OF  APPLICATION FOR CROWN LAND  Take notice that District of Fort St James has  applied to the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource  Stewardship, Omineca Region, for a sponsored  Crown grant for airport expansion purposes  situated on Provincial Crown land located at Part of  DISTRICT LOT 1661, RANGE 5 COAST  DISTRICT.  The Lands File for this application is 7410331.  Written comments concerning this application should  be directed to Kaitlin Hancock, Authorizations  Specialist, Ministry of Water, Land and Resource  Stewardship, Omineca Region at 5th Floor 499 George  Street, Prince George, BC V2L 1R5, or Comments will be  received by Ministry of Water, Land and Resource  Stewardship, Omineca Region up to December 7,  2024. Ministry of Water, Land and Resource  Stewardship, Omineca Region may not be able to  consider comments received after this date. Please  visit the website at for  more information.  Be advised that any response to this advertisement  will be considered part of the public record. Access to  these records requires the submission of a Freedom of  Information (FOI) request. Visit to learn  more about FOI submissions.  A hard copy MAP showing the location and extent of  the application area may be acquired by calling the  Authorizations Specialist named above at  250-649-7784.
Land Act: <br>Notice of Intention  Land Act:  Notice of Intention to Apply for a  Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that I, David & Robyn Ashcroft from Ladysmith,  BC, have applied to the Ministry of Water, Land & Resource  Stewardship (WLRS), for a Licence of Crown Grant /  Direct Sale and Licence Of Occupation–Residential /  Miscellaneous and Residential / Permanent, situated on  Provincial Crown land located at 11185 Chemainus Rd.,  Ladysmith BC  The Lands File Numbers that have been established for this  application is Crown Land File #1415590 and #1415164.  Comments may be submitted electronically via the provincial  Applications, Comments & Reasons for Decision webpage  at Alternatively hard copy  comments may be directed to the Senior Land Officer, Ministry  of Water, Land & Resource Stewardship at 142 - 2080 Labieux  Rd, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6J9.  Comments will be received by WLRS up to Dec. 22, 2024. WLRS  may not be able to consider comments received after this date.  Please visit the website at for  more information.  Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be  considered part of the public record. For information, contact  the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Ministry of Water,  Land & Resource Stewardship office in Nanaimo.
LANDLORDS CONTRACTUAL LIEN <br> <br>U-Haul  LANDLORDS CONTRACTUAL LIEN    U-Haul Storage Centre Victoria claims a Landlords Contractual Lien against the  following persons goods in storage at 644 Queens Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Tel: 250-3812271. Auction is subject to cancellation at any time without notice.  Stephen Richards  Jason Bourassa  Chris Bedard  Will-Angelica Fillion-Lopez  Jordan David Soames  Cinthia Hermosillo Robles    Anthony Vaneck  George Feenstra  Kevin Lear  Kim Scheu  Jordan David Soames    A sale will take place online at starting at 7:00 PM on Saturday,  November 23, 2024, until 7:00 PM on Saturday, November 30, 2024. Winners will be  contacted by email at the end of the auction. Room contents are personal/household  goods unless noted otherwise. Bids will be for the entire contents of each locker unit.
Liquor <br>Act <br>✓ New Licence  Liquor  Act  ✓ New Licence ❑ Existing Licence  ❑  TAKE NOTICE THAT, 841379  Yukon Inc. of 526 Craig Street,  Box 1587, Dawson City, Yukon,  is making application for or  change(s) to RV Park licence  liquor licence(s), in respect of the  premises known as Goldrush  Campground situated at 1207  Fifth Ave in Dawson, Yukon.  Any person who wishes to object  to the granting of this application  should file their objection in  writing (with reasons) to:  President, Yukon Liquor Corporation  9031 Quartz Road  Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4P9  no later than 3:00pm on the 13th  day of November, 2024 and also  serve a copy of the objection by  registered mail upon the applicant.  The first time of publication of  notice is October 25, 2024.  The second time of publication of  notice is November 1, 2024.  The third time of publication of  notice is November 8, 2024.  Any questions concerning this  specific notice are to be directed  to Licensing & Inspections,  Yukon Liquor Corporation  867-667-5245 or  toll-free 1-800-661-0408, x 5245.
Notice is given by U-Pak  Notice is given by U-Pak Mobile Storage  located 878 Viewfield Road, Victoria, BC that  the contents being household goods and other  personal items of the following lockers will be  sold on November 28, 2024 if monies owed are  not paid and contents of the lockers are not  removed from the premises.  Andrew Blaedow 3260  Brandon Alfred 4645  Brittany Olney 3031  Colby Hall  4657  Collin Campbell 4026  Deborah Jones 2016    Ernest Blagdon  Glen Rowlands  Neil Brant  Skylar Gosselin  Tasha Unger  Trish Davis    0742  3157  0077  4731  3170  3077
NOTICE OF <br>DESTRUCTION <br>The vessel,  NOTICE OF  DESTRUCTION  The vessel, Bison, will be destroyed  on Nov 4th, 2024 on account of vessel  seaworthiness and abandonment.  Please contact  Harbour Authority of Deep Bay  at 250-757-9331
NOTICE OF SALE <br>A 2007  NOTICE OF SALE  A 2007 Nissan Versa 4 door station wagon with VIN:  3N1BC13E77L436258 abandoned property of Donald  Stewart, a Tenant at site 6, 4137 Spallumcheen Drive,  Spallumcheen BC V4Y 0N1 will be sold by way of private  sale at Armstrong BC on December 9, 2024 in the  amount of $499.00. Current charges $2026.88 owed to  the Landlord, The Armstrong Land Corp. of 3025 Smith  Drive, Armstrong BC V4Y 0A2 phone 250-900-1462.
NOTICE <br>The debtor is Dwight  NOTICE  The debtor is Dwight Nole.  Amount owing is $5,558.37  VIN is 4XASHE577FA652323  Vehicle is a 2015 Polaris 570 ATV  Date of Sale is November 30th.
NOTICE TO ALL Selkirk First  NOTICE TO ALL Selkirk First Nation  Post-Secondary Students  Selkirk First Nation Education  Program is inviting applications for  post-secondary education funding  for the winter semester from  January to March 2025.    The closing deadline  for applications for the  WINTER semester is    November 15th  2024    All funding  applications must  be received on or  before this date.    Applications received after November 15th, 2024 will be  deferred to the Spring intake date of March 15th, 2025.    For application forms, please contact the  Selkirk First Nation Post Secondary Officer at or  call (867) 537-3331 ext. 502  **ALL INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED**
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of BERNARD KEITH BRADLEY,  who died on October 17, 2024.  If you have a claim against this Estate, you must file your claim by  December 13, 2024  with  at    KANE N. GELLERT  Warren Sinclair LLP  Barristers and Solicitors  600, 4911 - 51 Street Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6V4    and provide details of your claim.  If you do not file by the date above, the Estate property can  lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of Donald Gordon Badry  who died on October, 22, 2024  If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by  December 13, 2024  with    Schnell Hardy Jones LLP- Trisha D. Carey    at    504 4909 49 Street, Red Deer AB, T4N 1V1    If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can  lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of Robert Stanley Smithies  who died on September 9, 2024    If you have a claim against this Estate, you must file your claim By:  December 13, 2024  with    Maya C. Gordon    at    Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP  Barristers and Solicitors  Suite 1800, Stantec Tower 10220  103 Avenue NW Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0K4    If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can  lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of VIVIAN MAE CECCATO,  who died on July 31, 2024.  If you have a claim against this Estate, you must file your claim by  December 13, 2024  with  at    CHRISTOPHER R. WARREN, K.C.  Warren Sinclair LLP,  Barristers and Solicitors  600, 4911 - 51 Street Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6V4    and provide details of your claim.  If you do not file by the date above, the Estate property can  lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS <br>AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS  AND CLAIMANTS  IN THE MATTER OF  THE ESTATE OF    BOB WILLIAM  CHARLIE    Deceased of  Whitehorse, Yukon  who died on  September 14, 2024.  All persons having claims  against the above-mentioned  Estate are requested to file a  claim, supported by Statutory  Declaration, with Arthur  Mauro, on or before  May 15, 2025, after which  date the Estate will be  distributed having reference  only to claims which have  been so filed.  All persons indebted to the  Estate are requested to make  immediate payment to:  AUSTRING, FAIRMAN  & FEKETE  ATTN: Arthur Mauro  Barristers and Solicitors  3081 Third Avenue  Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4Z7
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS <br>AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS  AND CLAIMANTS  IN THE MATTER OF  THE ESTATE OF    STEPHEN  RICHARD  KENDALL    Deceased of  Whitehorse, Yukon  who died on  September 14, 2024.  All persons having claims  against the above-mentioned  Estate are requested to file a  claim, supported by Statutory  Declaration, with Arthur  Mauro, on or before  May 15, 2025, after which  date the Estate will be  distributed having reference  only to claims which have  been so filed.  All persons indebted to the  Estate are requested to make  immediate payment to:  AUSTRING, FAIRMAN  & FEKETE  ATTN: Arthur Mauro  Barristers and Solicitors  3081 Third Avenue  Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4Z7
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND  NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND  FROM WOODLOT LICENCE W1694  Please be advised that Marty Karl Lauren, Erik Wilfred Lauren,  Susan Jane Lauren, and Dale Verne Lauren are proposing to  remove 74.6 ha of private land from Woodlot Licence W1694.  W1694 is located on Fox Mountain. Legal land description:  PID 017 594 375 Part NE ¼ 8821; PID 016 494 512 Block B Part  NW ¼ 8821; PID 024 291 293 Block A Part NW ¼ 8821; PID 015  527 026 Part SE ¼ 8821; PID 018 319 823 Lot 2 8821; PID 018  319 831 Lot 3 8821; PID 018 319 815 Lot 1 8821.  Inquiries/comments about this proposal must be submitted  to Matthew LeBourdais RPF, Cedar Creek Silviculture Ltd. at  922 Birch Lane, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 3R5 by November 23,  2024. Responses provided only to written inquiries received  by the above date. Please contact Matthew LeBourdais, RPF  at (250) 398-9010 or for any information  about this proposal.