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The BEST Legal Notices listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

The BEST Legal Notices listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

Legal Notices 

“REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL” <br>The Board  “REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL”  The Board of Education of School District No.28 (Quesnel) is soliciting through  public notice a request for proposal for a Vendor to provide cafeteria food  services at Correlieu Secondary School and/or Quesnel Junior School. Request  for proposal (RFP) packages are available for pick up at:  School District No. 28 Quesnel  401 North Star Road  Quesnel, BC V2J 5K2  Ask to see the office of the Secretary-Treasurer.  Packages can be picked up immediately and kitchen tours arranged. Packages are  due back no later than 2:00 p.m. Friday July 26, 2024.
Box 280 (5031 - 50  Box 280 (5031 - 50 St.)  Stettler, AB T0C 2L0    TOWN OF STETTLER  DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NOTICE  Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit  Applications have been approved as permitted uses in accordance  with the Town of Stettler Land Use Bylaw No 2060-15:  1. No:    3507-2024    Legal Description:    Lot 68, Block 6, Plan 0524122    Municipal Address:    6009 - 54 Avenue Close    Applicant:    Marvin Nash    Proposed Development:    14’ x 20’ Shed    Angela Stormoen  Development Officer
Box 280 (5031 - 50  Box 280 (5031 - 50 St.)  Stettler, AB T0C 2L0  TOWN OF STETTLER DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NOTICE  Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit  Applications have been approved as permitted uses in accordance  with the Town of Stettler Land Use Bylaw No 2060-15:  2.    No:  Legal Description:  Municipal Address:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    Angela Stormoen  Development Officer    3508-2024  Lot 10 & Pt. 11, Block 2, Plan 943MC  4020 - 58 Street  Brett Muhlbach Contracting  Detached Garage
Canadian Navigable Waters Act <br>Huaskin  Canadian Navigable Waters Act  Huaskin Lake Resources Ltd. hereby gives notice that an application  has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian  Navigable Waters Act for approval of the work described herein and its  site and plans.  Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, Huaskin Lake Resources Ltd.  has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the on-line Navigable  Waters Registry ( and under Registry numbers 9342  or, under the NPP File Number 2023-511099 a description of the following  work, its site and plans:  • Huaskin Lake Log Salvage Operation  Log salvage operations wherebyhave been proposed in, on, over, under,  through or across sections of the southwestern portions of Huaskin Lake,  BC, from 50° 57.929’N, 127° 1.025’W to 50° 57.639’N, 126° 55.534’W.  Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be  sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the  Comment section (search by the above referenced numbers) or, by sending  your comments directly to #820-800 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC, V6Z  2J8, if you do not have access to the internet.  However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing  (electronic means preferable) and are received not later than 30 days after  the publication of the last notice. Although all comments conforming to the  above will be considered, no individual response will be sent.  Signed at Campbell River this 21st day of June, 2024.  Huaskin Lake Resources Ltd.
Coast Tsimshian Resources LP. Forest  Coast Tsimshian Resources LP. Forest Stewardship Plan  Amendment #4– Cultural Burning Strategy  Public review and comment requested by:  September 5th, 2024    A Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) amendment is being prepared  for the areas managed under Tree Farm License (TFL) 1 and Forest  Licence (FL) A16835, held by Coast Tsimshian Resource Limited  Partnership, for operations within the Coast Mountains Natural  Resource District. The area covered by this FSP includes all TFL 1  and portions of the Kalum Timber Supply Area from Lakelse Lake  in the south to the Nass Valley in the north.  The FSP Amendment involves the addition of cultural burning  strategies (reference # CTR24-01) in response to Gitanyow’s intent  to resume cultural burning within their territory. In summary,  the strategy states that a cultural burn may be conducted upon  completion of harvesting and waste assessments and before  reforestation. A burn plan will be developed with and endorsed by  an Elder and/or Fire Knowledge Keeper. Copies of these burn plans  can be requested. Fire Management Stocking Standards may be  used on sites subject to cultural burning. Cultural burns will also  be registered with the Province of BC’s Wildfire Service.  Your review and response to this amendment is requested  by September 5th, 2024. The FSP and supporting document  is available here:  recentpublicationsctr, or can be made available upon request.  Please submit your inquiries and responses by email to
County Of Stettler No. 6  County Of Stettler No. 6    6602 - 44 Ave., Box 1270,  Stettler AB T0C 2L0  Telephone: (403) 742-4441 Fax: (403) 742-1277    PUBLIC NOTICE    DEVELOPMENT PERMIT  APPLICATIONS APPROVED    Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit Applications in  accordance with the County of Stettler No. 6 Land Use Bylaw. No.1443-10 were  conditionally approved by the Development Authority:  Permitted Use Permit.  No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:  No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24051  Lot 1 Block 1 Plan 102 4692  Robert Gavan  Detached Dwelling  DP 24060  Lot 2 Block 2 Plan 062 0307  Leah & Trent Erickson  RV for use as a dwelling    Discretionary Use Permit.  No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:  No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:  No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:  No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:  No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24005  South ½ 15-40-21 W4  Ol’ MacDonald’s Resort c/o Kevin MacDonald  Concert Site / Music Festival  DP 24042  South½ 24-40-18 W4  Hutterian Brethren of Red Willow c/o Jacob Hofer  Clustered Farm Dwelling  DP 24044  SE 3-36-16 W4  Byemoor Hutterite Colony c/o Ben Waldner  Clustered Farm Dwelling  DP 24048  SE 8-40-16 W4  Atco Electric Ltd.  Work Camp  DP 24050  Lot 1 Block 2 Plan 142 0412  Michelle Davies  Personal Services Facility    Digital copy of the development permits that have been recently approved by the County of Stettler  are available on the County of Stettler No. 6 website. Notices are posted every Friday under the  heading with the posting date.The most recent approvals are at the top of the list. Click on the file  number (i.e. DP 24017) to open a PDF file of the development permit. If you are not able to open  the PDF file of the permit, please contact Planning & Development and arrange for a copy to be  sent to you.  Any person claiming to be affected by such decision may appeal by giving notice in writing to  the appropriate appeal authority. Each development permit identifies whether the appeal must  be filed with the Land and Property Rights Tribunal or the Regional Subdivision and Development  Appeal Board. An appeal must be filed no later than 21 days from the date of this notification.  Development permits for a permitted use can only be appealed if one or more provisions of the Land  Use Bylaw were relaxed, varied, or misinterpreted. Development permits for a discretionary use can  be appealed by any person claiming to be affected by the decision.
Declaration of Age of Majority  Declaration of Age of Majority - Legal Notice I, Alexandra  Rae Tinevez, hereby declare and provide formal notice that  I attained the age of majority on October 22, 2020. I confirm  that I am under no other legal disability, and I fully intend  to act in any legal action without the need for a litigation  guardian. This declaration is made in accordance with the  Age of Majority Act. All written objections to the ownership  or superior claims of trusts and estates should be directed no  later than 30 days from the date of this publication. Please  contact John Smith, care of 777 Freedom Lane, Heavenly  Cove, Province of British Columbia.
Declaration of Age of Majority  Declaration of Age of Majority - Legal Notice I, Mitchell  Jacob Kenneth MacDonald, hereby declare and provide formal  notice that I attained the age of majority on October 24,  1997. I confirm that I am under no other legal disability, and  I fully intend to act in any legal action without the need for a  litigation guardian. This declaration is made in accordance with  the Age of Majority Act. All written objections to the ownership  or superior claims of trusts and estates should be directed no  later than 30 days from the date of this publication. Please  contact John Smith, care of 777 Freedom Lane, Heavenly Cove,  Province of British Columbia.
IN THE COURT OF KING’S  IN THE COURT OF KING’S BENCH OF ALBERTA  JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF RED DEER  NOTICE TO JAMES ROBERT LEGGETTE  TAKE NOTICE that Ivan Liske and Margaret Liske have filed a Statement of Claim on July  5, 2023, Action No. 2310-00737 in the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, Judicial District  of Red Deer, claiming general damages and special damages as yet unascertained, plus  costs, arising out of a Motor Vehicle Accident which occurred on August 1, 2021, in the  approximate vicinity of Highway 12 near its intersection with Highway 850, in Botha. The  grounds alleged are stated in the Statement of Claim, a copy of which will be mailed to  you upon request directed to the offices of Litwiniuk LLP o/a Litco Law, Suite 200 5119  Elbow Drive SW, Calgary, AB T2V 1H2. Your whereabouts being unknown, the Court has  ordered substitutional service upon you by the within advertisement. Should you wish  to oppose the claim or seek other relief, you must promptly take steps in accordance  with the Notice to you endorsed on the Statement of Claim or instruct your lawyer to do  so. If within 27 days from the date of this publication you fail to file with the said Clerk of  the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, Judicial District of Red Deer at Courts House, 4909  48 Ave., Red Deer, Alberta T4N 3T5 a Statement of Defence or a Demand of Notice, the  Plaintiff may proceed according to the practice of the Court to note you in default and  you will not be thereafter entitled to notice of any further proceedings, and the relief  sought by the Plaintiff may be given in your absence.  DATED at Calgary, Alberta, this 19th day of June, 2024.  LITWINIUK LLP O/A LITCO LAW  Suite 200 5119 Elbow Drive SW  Calgary, AB T2V 1H2  Attn: Michelle Tong  Telephone: (403) 273-8580
In the Provincial Court <br>of  In the Provincial Court  of British Columbia  To: Andres Filipe Naranjo  Candice and John Bisson are applying to the Provincial Court  for an order regarding parenting arrangements and  appointing a guardian of a child.  The Court has ordered that the Application About a Family  Law Matter be served on you by way of this advertisement.  To reply to the application you must:  1. file a reply form within 30 days  (or other time period specified by the court)  in the court registry at Vernon Law Courts,  3001 27th Street, Vernon, BC V1T 4W5.  If you do not file a reply, the Court may make an order  in your absence.  You can get a copy of the document(s) in your case, or view  your court file, at the court registry at the above address.  Refer to court file number 6596.
Land Act: <br> <br>Notice of  Land Act:    Notice of Application for a Disposition of  Crown Land  Take notice that I/We, Kristine Marie Landry and Robert  Stevenson, from Fernie, BC, have applied to the British  Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship  (WLRS), Kootenay Boundary Region, for a Crown Grant (sale) for  residential use situated on Provincial Crown Land located in the  vicinity of Fernie, BC.  WLRS invites comments on this application, the Lands File is  4406412. Written comments concerning this application should  be directed to Sr. Authorization Specialist, WLRS, Kootenay  Boundary Region, at 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, BC V1C  7G1. Comments will be received by WLRS up to August 8, 2024.  WLRS may not be able to consider comments received after this  date. Please visit the website at  for more information.  Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be  considered part of the public record. Access to these records  requires the submission of a Freedom of Information (FOI)  request. Visit to  learn more about FOI submissions.
Land Act: <br>Notice of Application  Land Act:  Notice of Application for a Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that I/We, 1342390 BC Ltd., from Rossland, BC, have  applied to the British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Resource  Stewardship (WLRS), Kootenay Boundary Region, for a Licence of  Occupation for Residential use (historic retaining wall and lawn)  situated on Provincial Crown Land located in the vicinity of Christina  Lake, BC. WLRS invites comments on this application, the Lands File  is 4406473.  Written comments concerning this application should be directed  to Sr. Authorization Specialist, WLRS, Kootenay Boundary Region,  at 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G1. Comments will be  received by WLRS up to August 2, 2024. WLRS may not be able to  consider comments received after this date. Please visit the website  at more information.  Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be  considered part of the public record. Access to these records requires  the submission of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Visit to learn more about  FO submissions.
Land Act: <br>Notice of Application  Land Act:  Notice of Application for a  Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that I/We, Rogers Communications Inc., from  Vancouver, BC, have applied to the British Columbia  Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship  (WRLS), South Coast Region, for a Licence of Occupation  for a Communication Site situated on Provincial Crown  Land located just east of Hope, BC.  The Ministry invites comments on this application,  the Lands Files are 2412603, 2412604 and 2412605.  Written comments concerning this application should  be directed to the Senior Land Officer, WLRS, South  Coast Region, at Suite 200 10428 153 Street, Surrey, BC,  V3R 1E1. Comments will be received by the Ministry up  to August 12th, 2024. The Ministry may not be able to  consider comments received after this date. Please visit  the website at for more  information.  Be advised that any response to this advertisement  will be considered part of the public record. Access to  these records requires the submission of a Freedom  of Information (FOI) request. Visit to learn more about FOI  submissions.
LAND ACT: <br>Notice of Intention  LAND ACT:  Notice of Intention to Apply for a  Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that I, Andrew Hone from Saanich, B.C., have  applied to the Ministry of Water, Land & Resource Stewardship  (WLRS), for a Licence for Utility Residential situated on Provincial  Crown Land located in Cordova Bay, Saanich, B.C. The Lands  File Number that has been established for this application is  Crown Land File No. 1415029.  Comments may be submitted electronically via the provincial  Applications, Comments & Reasons for Decision webpage at Alternatively hard copy  comments may be directed to the Senior Land Officer, Ministry  of Water, Land & Resource Stewardship at 142 - 2080 Labieux  Rd., Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 6J9.  Comments will be received by WLRS up to 13th July 2024. WLRS  may not be able to consider comments received after this date.  Please visit the website at  for more information. Be advised that any response to this  advertisement will be considered part of the public record.  For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor  at the Ministry of Water, Land & Resource Stewardship office in  Nanaimo.
LEGAL <br>Econo U-Store-It Inc. 1231  LEGAL  Econo U-Store-It Inc. 1231 Spruce Street,  Campbell River  Unless the charges, (plus any charges that may  accrue) are paid in full, on or before July 25,  2024 by cash or certified cheque, or the goods  will be sold by public auction in accordance  with the Warehouse Lien Act by  E047- Emily Kaitlyn Hansen  F095- Pamela Lee Ann Marinus
LEGAL NOTICE <br> <br>Notice is  LEGAL NOTICE    Notice is hereby given that on July 19th,  U-lock Mini Storage, 43903 Industrial  way, Chilliwack will sell the contents of  the lockers listed below.  Unit 9857 Danielle Bloom  Unit 626 Patricia Darling  Unit 902 Robin Vautour  Unit 421 Amanda Weber  These lockers will be put up for auction  via July 19th-July 23rd.
Liquor <br>Act <br>✓ New Licence  Liquor  Act  ✓ New Licence ❑ Existing Licence  ❑  TAKE NOTICE THAT, Air North  Charter and Training, of 150  Condor Road, Whitehorse, Yukon  Y1A 0M7, is making application  for or changes to Food Primary  – All and Liquor Primary - All  liquor licence(s), in respect of the  premises known as Black Wolf  Bistro situated at 75 Barclay Grow  Crescent in Whitehorse, Yukon.  Any person who wishes to object  to the granting of this application  should file their objection in writing  (with reasons) to:  President, Yukon Liquor Corporation  9031 Quartz Road  Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4P9  no later than 3:00pm on the 17th  day of July, 2024 and also serve a  copy of the objection by registered  mail upon the applicant.  The first time of publication of notice  is June 28, 2024.  The second time of publication of  notice is July 5, 2024.  The third time of publication of  notice is July 12, 2024.  Any questions concerning this specific  notice are to be directed to  Licensing & Inspections, Yukon Liquor  Corporation 867-667-5245 or  toll-free 1-800-661-0408, x 5245.
Monashee Community Forest LLP <br>Harvesting  Monashee Community Forest LLP  Harvesting and Road Building Contractors  The Monashee Community Forest is accepting tenders for conventional roadside and  steep slope harvesting, and road construction contractors. This cutting permit (CP CC  2024) has an estimated volume of 38,297 m3, approximately 4.1 kms of road to be  constructed, and approximately 14.3 kms of permanent road to be upgraded and/or  maintained on Putnam and Vance FSR’s. The Monashee Community Forest is located  Northwest of the Village of Lumby. Information packages are available for pick up at the  village of Lumby municipal office located at 1775 Glencaird Street in Lumby between  June 25th and July 24th, 2024.  Final tender submissions must be received by noon on Thursday July 24, 2024.  For further information please contact Frank Joe, Forestry Manager at (604) 987-9377.
No. S-225471 <br>VANCOUVER REGISTRY <br>In  No. S-225471  VANCOUVER REGISTRY  In The Supreme Court of British Columbia  BETWEEN:  ELI GRIFFIN  PLAINTIFF  AND:  ROBERT GARY DOUGLAS BOZAK and BEN BODDEN  DEFENDANTS  ADVERTISEMENT  To: Ben Bodden  TAKE NOTICE THAT on June 21, 2024, an order was made  for service on you of a Notice of Civil Claim issued from the  Vancouver Registry of the Supreme Court of British Columbia  in proceeding number S-225471 by way of this advertisement.  In the proceeding, the Plaintiff claims the following relief  against you: non-pecuniary damages; past and future special  damages; loss of past and future income; loss of earning  capacity; aggravated damages; punitive damages; past and  future care costs; interest pursuant to the Court Order Interest  Act; and the costs of this action.  You must file a responding pleading within the period  required under the Supreme Court Civil Rules failing which  further proceedings, including judgment, may be taken  against you without notice to you.  You may obtain, from the Vancouver Registry, at 800 Smite  Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6Z 2E1, a copy of the Notice of  Civil Claim and the order providing for service by this  advertisement.  This advertisement is placed by Hammerco Lawyers LLP on  behalf of the Plaintiff, whose address for service is 400 – 2233  Columbia Street, Vancouver, B.C., V5Y 0M6, Fax: 604-269-8511.
Notice by Advertisement <br> <br>Form  Notice by Advertisement    Form 47  Provincial Court Family Rules  Rule 182    Registry Location:    Abbotsford    Court File Number:    20406    In the Provincial Court of British Columbia  To Sierra Dumbleton  (full name of party to be served)    Jeral Chand    (full name of party making application)    is applying to the Provincial Court for an order  for parenting arrangements, child support, and  guardianship.  (describe the order(s) you are asking the count to make)    The Court has ordered that the Form 3 Application filed  April 19/24, Form 11 Application filed May 29/24  and Order made May 29/24  (name of document(s) to be served)    be served on you by way of this advertisement.  To reply to the application you must:  (Option 1) file a reply form within 30 days (or other time  period specified by the court) in the court registry at  32375 Veterans Way, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 0K1  (address of court registry, city, province)    (Option 2) appear in court at    on    (address of court registry, city, province)  (date)    at    (time a.m./p.m.)    If you do not file a Reply    (do not file a reply/do not appear in court on the date and time  scheduled for the court appearance)    the Court may make an order in your absence.  You can get a copy of the document(s) in your case, or  view your court file, at the court registry at the above  address. Refer to court file number 20406  (court file number)    ,
NOTICE OF <br>NAME CHANGE <br>I,  NOTICE OF  NAME CHANGE  I, Amandeep Singh, S/O  Ram Singh, D.O.B. 198711-12, resident of 5-20723  F R A S E R H I G H W A Y,  LANGLEY, BC V3A 0K2  have changed my name to  Amandeep Singh Tamber.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC REVIEW <br>AND  NOTICE OF PUBLIC REVIEW  AND COMMENT PERIOD  FOR FOREST OPERATIONS  MAP #1630  West Fraser Mills Ltd. has prepared a Forest  Operations Map (FOM) #1630 for the Stuart  Nechako Resource District. This FOM is available  for public review and comment from July 4, 2024  to August 5, 2024. This FOM is available for  review at West Fraser Mills – Quesnel Division,  1250 Brownmiller Road, Quesnel, BC during the  business hours of 7:30am to 4:30pm or on the  Forest Operations  Map ( website.  This FOM identifies the location of proposed  cutblocks and roads and the timing of these  proposed operations. The FOM is a requirement  under the Forest and Range Practices Act  and is intended to enhance transparency of  operational planning and to provide engagement  opportunities for interested members of the public  and community stakeholders.    Written comments may be submitted in person  at the West Fraser Mills – Quesnel Division office,  by email to  through the Forest Operations Map (  website, or by mail to:    West Fraser Mills Ltd.  Attention: Jaret van der Giessen, R.P.F  1250 Brownmiller Road  Quesnel, BC V2J 6P5  Comments must be received in writing no later than  end of day August 5, 2024. For further information,  please contact Jaret van der Giessen,  R.P.F. at 250-828-7298
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Re: The estate of Ljubica Lehner  also known as (Luba)  deceased, formerly of 2678 2Nd Ave  Port Alberni BC V9Y-1Z7  Creditors and others having claims against the estate of  Ljubica Lehner are hereby notified under section 154 of the  Wills, Estates and Succession Act that particulars of their  claims should be sent to Boris Lehner at 2682 2nd AVE Port  Alberni V9Y-1Z7 on or before August 02 2024, after which  date the Boris Lehner will distribute the estate among the  parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the  Boris Lehner then has notice.
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS <br>AND OTHERS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS  AND OTHERS  NOTICE is hereby given  that creditors and others  having claims against  the Estate of Leonard  Alexander Leitch, of  Whitehorse, Yukon,  who died on March  1st, 2024, are hereby  required to send them  to the undersigned  Administrator at the  address shown below,  before the 31st day of  July, after which date  the Administrator will  distribute the Estate  among the parties  entitled thereto, having  regard to the claims of  which they have notice.  AND FURTHER, all  persons who are  indebted to the Estate  are required to make  payment to the Estate at  the address below.  By: Helen Rain  153 Sybil Circle  Whitehorse, Yukon  Y1A 0R6
Notice to Electors of an  Notice to Electors of an Alternative Approval Process  Kitimat-Stikine Heritage Park Museum Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 793, 2024  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to advise electors in  the Electoral Area E and a portion of Electoral Area  C of the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (RDKS)  of the intention to adopt Kitimat-Stikine Heritage  Park Museum Service Establishment Bylaw No. 793,  2024” (Bylaw No. 793). Bylaw No. 793 would establish  a new service for the purpose of changing from  the annual grant-in-aid to what’s called a “Service  Area” funding model to continue to share in the  operational, maintenance, and any necessary capital  upgrade costs to the existing Heritage Park Museum.  The proposed service area applies to Electoral Area  E (Thornhill) and a portion of Electoral Area C (the  greater Terrace area). A detailed map can be found and at the RDKS office during each business day  between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  This means that funding will be based on the value of  the properties in the Service Area and the cost would  be part of the residents’ taxes. The cost to property  owners within the Service Area is in accordance with  the Local Government Act, and the maximum amount  that can be paid annually for this Service is $40,000  total, or $0.0259 per $1,000 of net taxable land and  improvements. The maximum average contribution  per property would be $10.21 annually (.85 cents a  month) based on the average residential property  price in the service area of $394,000.  TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the RDKS has  determined that the total number of electors within  the service area is 5536 and that 10% of that number is  554. The RDKS may proceed with Bylaw No. 793 unless  at least 554 eligible electors within the proposed  service area object by signing and submitting the  elector response form to the RDKS by the deadline. If  554 or more electors return signed Elector Response  Forms by the deadline, the Bylaw cannot be adopted  by the RDKS Board without obtaining the assent of  the electors (referendum).  Elector response forms must be given in the form  established by the RDKS Board and will be provided  to electors of the Service Area. A summary of the  proposal are available for public inspection, and  Elector Response Forms can be obtained after  July 11th, 2024 on the RDKS website at https:// and  at the Administration Office of the RDKS at 300-4545  Lazelle Avenue, Terrace B.C. V8G 4E1, Phone 250615-6100 or toll free 1-800-663-3208, email info@ Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  excluding statutory holidays.  DEADLINE: The deadline for submitting a signed  Elector Response Form opposing Bylaw No. 793 is  4:00 p.m. on August 30, 2024. Forms must be received  by the deadline to be counted.  Regardless of the location from which the form  was obtained, the Elector Response Forms must be    submitted to the Corporate Officer. Elector Response  Forms must be submitted by one of the following  options: Mail or hand delivered to RDKS Office, 3004545 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace, B.C. V8G 4E1; or emailed  to  Alternative Approval Process: Only electors of  the RDKS Electoral Area E and portion of Electoral  Area C outlined in the map found at https:// and  at the RDKS office are eligible to sign the elector  response forms. This is only if you are opposed to  the service. Eligible electors are persons meeting all  of the following Resident or Non-Resident Property  Elector Qualifications:  Resident Elector: When signing an elector response  form during an AAP, a resident elector must: be 18  years of age or older; be a Canadian citizen; have  been a resident in British Columbia for at least six  months; live in the area defined for the AAP; and, not  be disqualified under the Local Government Act, or  any other enactment from voting in a local election,  or be otherwise disqualified by law.  Non-resident Property Elector: When signing an  elector response form during an AAP, a non-resident  property elector must: be at least 18 years of age; be  a Canadian citizen; have been a resident in British  Columbia for at least six months; have owned property  in the jurisdiction (e.g., municipality or electoral area)  for at least 30 days; own property in the area defined  for the AAP; and, not be disqualified under the Local  Government Act, or any other enactment from voting  in a local election, or be otherwise disqualified by law.  Note: Only one non-resident property elector may  sign an elector response form per property, regardless  of how many people own the property; and, that  owner must have the written consent of a majority  of the other property owner(s) to sign the response  form on their behalf. Property owned in whole or in  part by a corporation does not qualify under the nonresident property elector provisions.  Resident electors signing the elector response form  must provide their name and address. Non-resident  property electors must provide their name and the  address of the property in relation to which they are  entitled to register as a non-resident property elector.  The local government will not share the information  on the form with anyone other than the Corporate  Officer, or other person designated by the Corporate  Officer.  For more information, please contact 250-615-6100  or toll free 1-800-663-3208  Renee Lukasser  Director of Administration/Corporate Officer
NOTICE-OF-ORDER-ANDGOOD-GOVERNMENT <br>NOTICE-IS-HEREBY-GIVEN-THAT: When proper notice  NOTICE-OF-ORDER-ANDGOOD-GOVERNMENT  NOTICE-IS-HEREBY-GIVEN-THAT: When proper notice is  required to be given to create trust, it is the responsibility of Good  Government or the responsibility of the private, benevolent,  voluntary, business associations in support of the common good;  life. This notice is given in good faith.  Let it be known that Tinevez & Associates or its property intrust including but not limited to Tality Spa, is an Un-registered,  Benevolent Service Provider in the private domain, for members  only.  Tinevez & Associates is under God’s Natural Laws and is intended  to be maintained, and moves through exclusively in the Private  forums that follow beyond donation.  Objections should be directed to administrator(s) for the Tinevez  & Associates, no later than 30-days from the date of publication  of this notice. Please contact Administrator; mail in care of: 420  COOPERS BLVD SW AIRDRIE, County of Rockyview Alberta | nondomestic
Pre-Auth. # _112048_ <br> <br>ENVIRONMENTAL  Pre-Auth. # _112048_    ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE  Application for a new authorization to discharge waste under the provisions of the  Environmental Management Act.  We, Trouw Nutrition Canada Inc. P.O. Box 1000 Chilliwack BC V2P 6J6, intend to  submit this application to the Director to authorize the discharge of air emissions  from our animal feed mill. The source(s) of discharge are two hammer mills,  product storage/bins, two pelleting lines, and one boiler.  The land upon which the facility will be situated, and the discharge will occur is  Lot 34 of Block 1, District Lot 341, Group 2, N.W.D Plan 30357, located at 46255  Chilliwack Central Rd Chilliwack BC V2P 1J7.  The maximum rate of discharge from this facility could be 1492995 M3/Day.  The operating period for this facility will be 24 hours, 7 days per week. The  characteristics of the waste discharged is particulate matter concentrate, i.e.: dust  from animal feed manufacturing and ingredients such as grains. The types of  treatment to be applied to the discharge are dust collector units, bin vent filters,  cyclones, and boiler stacks.  Any person who may be adversely affected by the proposed discharge of waste  and wishes to provide relevant information may, within 30 days after the last date  of posting, publishing, service, or display, send written comments to the applicant,  with a copy to the Director, Environmental Protection at (see ENV email address  options below). The identity of any respondents and the contents of anything  submitted in relation to this application will become part of the public record.  Dated this 21st day of June, 2024 (Signature)  Contact person: Danielle Goodfellow  Email address:  Phone: 778-684-1734  ENV Authorization Email Address Options:  • Communities, IPM & AgriFood  • Industrial Waste  • Mining  • SE Coal
PROPOSED <br>WOODLOT LICENSE PLANS <br>  PROPOSED  WOODLOT LICENSE PLANS    Woodlot Licences 0117, 1533, 1687, 1751  Notice is hereby given that the proposed  replacement woodlot license plans (the “plans”)  for:  W0117 (Babine Lake Rd, Augier Rd, OotsaNadina Rd) – Ben Wilson, W1533 (Decker  Lake) – Valerie Ingram, W1687 (Palling) – David  Burkholder Jr., and W1751 (Heading Ck) –  Alistair Schroff  are now available for public viewing. The plans  cover the Schedule B (Crown) lands.  The plans show how forest resources on these  woodlots will be managed for a proposed 10year period from the date of approval. They are  available for review by the public for a sixty-day  period, and all feedback will be presented to the  Ministry of Forests for consideration in the plan  approval process.  To view these plans, please contact Alistair  Schroff, RPF at (250) 251-1512 or in writing to  2600 Swan Rd Denman Island BC V0R 1T0.
PUBLIC NOTICE <br>COBBLE HILL IMPROVEMENT  PUBLIC NOTICE  COBBLE HILL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT  TAKE NOTICE THAT the Trustees of the Cobble Hill  Improvement District intend to upgrade waterlines along  Fairfield Road between Fisher Road to the CVRD park  boundary, Watson Avenue between Fairfield Road and Fisher  Road, and Fisher Road between Watson Avenue and Holland  Avenue. The purpose of the project is to achieve residential  fire flows throughout the current system.  AND THAT to finance the said works the Trustees propose to  borrow a sum not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars  ($500,000), repayable at prime plus 1% not later than ten (10)  years from the date of issue. It is estimated that the borrowing  will result in a tax increase of $200 per year for each property  within the District. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that assent  of the land owners will be deemed to have been received 30  days after the last publication of this notice, unless counter  petitions against the proposed have been received by  more than 10% of the eligible electors. It is estimated that  38 land owners would be required to petition against the  proposal. Counter petitions are available on the Cobble Hill  Improvement District website cobblehillimprovementdistrict.  com, or same may be picked up from the Shawnigan Lake  Community Centre, 2804 Shawnigan Lake Road, during  regular business hours.  AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that in order for an elector  response against the proposal to be deemed to have been  received within the 30-day time period ending August 10,  2024, it must be received by first class mail at the following  address:  COBBLE HILL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT  P.O. Box 1027, Cobble Hill, BC V8H 4C9  AND THAT this ad is the first of two publications of this  Notice dated this 4th day of July, 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE <br>Notice pursuant to  PUBLIC NOTICE  Notice pursuant to s. 26 Community Charter – Disposition of Land  PROPOSAL:  Disposition of Land to Cedar LNG – License of Occupation  APPLICANT:    SUBJECT PROPERTY:    Cedar LNG Partners (GP) Ltd.    Portion of Ocelot Way (PID: 030-112-133, that part of  Ocelot Way dedicated on Plans 5744, 12031, 11524  and EPP67348 in District Lots 6004, 6050 and 6054  Range 5 Coast District as shown on Plan EPP66989)    WHEN:    WHERE    Following notice under section 26 of  the Community Charter, the Corporate  Officer is authorized to execute the  License of Occupation unless public  comment raises issues at which time it  will be brought back to Council on July  22, 2024.    If required on July 22, 2024 - Council Chambers  606 Mountainview Square, Kitimat, BC  (electronic participation option available)    PURPOSE:  The District is proposing to dispose of a  portion of Ocelot Way (legal description:  PID: 030-112-133, that part of Ocelot Way  dedicated on Plans 5744, 12031, 11524  and EPP67348 in District Lots 6004,  6050 and 6054 Range 5 Coast District  as shown on Plan EPP66989), through  a Licence of Occupation to Cedar LNG  Partners (GP) Ltd. for the purpose of  constructing a pipeline. The Licence of  Occupation will be for a term of five (5)  years commencing January 1, 2025,  to January 1, 2030, and the District will  receive a one-time licence fee of $2,000.  ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  A copy of the Licence of Occupation will be available for review on the District website at www. or the District of Kitimat Municipal Office, 270 City Centre, 8:30 am to 4:30pm,  Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays starting on June 24, 2024.  WAYS TO PARTICIPATE:  Email:  Fax: 250.632.4995  Mail/Deliver Written comments: Planning Department, 270 City Centre,  Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7  PROVIDING COMMENT:  Unless public comment raises issues in response to this notice, the Corporate Officer will be  considering the Licence of Occupation for execution on July 17, 2024. Comments must be submitted  by 12:00 (noon) on July 17, 2024.  If required, the Corporate Officer will present the comments to the District of Kitimat Council on July  22, 2024. Comments received by the Corporate Officer up until 12:00 (noon) on July 22, 2024 will  be presented to Council. Anyone who misses this deadline may attend in person or electronically  participate on July 22, 2024 and provide input during Public Input on Agenda Items during the  meeting. Please contact or by phone at 250-632-8900 for meeting link or  other meeting information.  QUESTIONS?  Contact Corporate Administration: 250-632-8900. Municipal Offices

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