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The BEST Tenders listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

The BEST Tenders listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds


Newly <br>Released <br>Procurement <br>Opportunities <br>Notice  Newly  Released  Procurement  Opportunities  Notice of Intent  to Award  NOI 2024-085  Generator  Maintenance Services  Close Date: September  25, 2024  All current  procurement  opportunities are  available on our  Bonfire e-bidding  platform. This secure  system is free to  subscribers.  Dates are subject to  change without notice.  Register now at:  procurement
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS <br>AND OTHERS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS  AND OTHERS  NOTICE is hereby given that  Creditors and others having  claims against the Estate of    CHERYL LYNNE  THOMPSON  of Dawson City, Yukon, who  died on August 5th, 2024, are  hereby required to send them  to the undersigned Executor  at the address shown below,  before the 9th day of October,  after which date the Executor  will distribute the Estate among  the parties entitled thereto,  having regard to the claims of  which they have notice.  AND FURTHER, all persons  who are indebted to the Estate  are required to make payment  to the Estate at the address  below.  BY: Wayne Douglas Hawkes  c/o Tucker Carruthers  #301 - 303 Alexander Street  Whitehorse, YT YlA 2L5
REQUEST FOR TENDERS <br> <br>SNOW  REQUEST FOR TENDERS    SNOW REMOVAL  Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools (WRPS)  is requesting tender proposals for the  clearing and removal of snow at all sites.  There are three contracts up for tender as  follows:  West Schools: Alder Flats School, Buck  Mountain School and Winfield School  Central Schools: Falun School, Pigeon Lake  School, Lakedell School, Pipestone School,  and Griffiths Scott School  City Sites: Administration Office, CB  McMurdo, Centennial, Clear Vista, Norwood,  Parkdale, Queen Elizabeth, Lynn Lauren, and  Wetaskiwin Composite High School.  Proposals should address costs on an  hourly rate for sidewalk and parking lot  snow removal and hauling rates. Parties  interested in providing this service can  contact the Plant Facilities Office by emailing for tender  specifications.  Tender proposals including a complete list  of proposed equipment, contractor liability  insurance ($5 Million) and current WCB  account must be submitted to the attention  of Chris Blonski by 4 p.m. October 11, 2024.  Proposals may be dropped off at the Plant  Facilities office, 5704 – 51 Street, Wetaskiwin  or emailed to  The lowest price tender will  not necessarily be accepted.
Yukon Water Board – Application  Yukon Water Board – Application Notice  Office des eaux du Yukon – Avis de demande  Application  Number  Numéro de la  demande    PM23-027    PM24-015    Applicant/Licensee  Demandeur/Titulaire    Water Source  Location  Point d’eau/Lieu    Type of Undertaking  Type d’entreprise    Deadline for  Interventions 4:00pm  Limite pour la  soumission d’une  intervention : 16 h    Schmidt  Mining Corp.    Quartz, Calder,  Canyon & Little  Blanche Creeks  & Groundwater;  Trib. of  Indian River &  Quartz Creek    Placer    October 15, 2024    Cameron  Johnson    Sixty Mile River,  Ten Mile &  UNLLT of Five  Mile Creeks; Trib.  Yukon & Sixty  Mile Rivers &  Five Mile Creek    Placer    October 15, 2024    Interventions and/or claims for compensation must be submitted,  in writing, on or before the deadline for interventions.    Toute intervention ou demande d’indemnisation doit être présentée  par écrit au plus tard à la date et à l’heure indiquées.    Interventions must conform to the Board’s Rules of Procedure.  Claims for compensation must address the relevant factors for  compensation found in the Waters Act, the Board’s Rules of  Procedure and its Compensation Guidelines.    Une intervention doit respecter les règles de procédure de  l’Office. Une demande d’indemnisation doit porter sur les facteurs  applicables énoncés dans la Loi sur les eaux, et dans les règles de  procédure et les lignes directrices sur l’indemnisation de l’Office.    Applications are available for viewing on the Yukon Water Board’s  online registry, WATERLINE at or  in person at the Yukon Water Board office. For more information,  contact the Yukon Water Board Secretariat at 867-456-3980.    On peut consulter les demandes dans le registre en ligne WATERLINE  au ou en personne au bureau de l’Office des  eaux du Yukon. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez  communiquer avec le secrétariat de l’Office au 867-456-3980.